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Effect of canopy management on Pinot Noir grapes and wine quality, in particular, aroma and flavour compounds


Effect of canopy management on Pinot Noir grapes and wine quality, in particular, aroma and flavour compounds


In recent years plantings of Pinot Noir vines have increased, particularly in the cooler viticultural regions. Directions for managing Pinot Noir vines to produce specific wine styles were required. This research project focussed on the concept of ‘effective leaf area to fruit weight ratio’ and its relationship to berry composition and wine style. As part of these investigations a new analytical method was developed, termed the G-G assay. This assay determines the pool of glycosides in grapes and includes the anthocyanins (colour) and flavour compounds. It was found that colour makes up a large proportion of the total G-G and that measures of the two are highly correlated. Thus in this summary only colour measures will be reported.

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