Wine Australia Licensing and Approval System
New wine export approvals software

Get started
Australia's wine export controls are administered through Wine Australia’s Licensing and Approval System (WALAS). WALAS allows users to:
- apply online for a licence to export, register products and apply for shipping approval
- upload labels
- edit shipping details
- apply for export documents
- manage associated exporters
- make payments online, and
- manage account access.
Login to WALAS
Quick reference guides (QRGs)
- QRG: Create an account
- QRG: Apply for shipping approval
- QRG: Shipping exemption application
- QRG: Generate an import certificate
- QRG: Navigating around WALAS
- QRG: Register a product
- QRG: Invite an associated exporter
- QRG: Link a product to an associated exporter
- QRG: Apply for an export licence
- QRG: Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)
Online training
Wine Australia is offering online training modules for WALAS to introduce users to key aspects of the new software system. The training is free and can be repeated as often as required.
Training modules can be interrupted and restarted as often as required. Quick Reference Guides are included with most modules. The training is not compulsory but is highly recommended.
It is suggested that you start with module 0.1 WALAS quick start introduction and then progress through the modules best suited to your requirements.
Freight and shipping logistics agencies
One of the key WALAS improvements is that shipping and freight businesses are set up in WALAS accounts allowing shipping exemptions to be completed on-line anytime.
To help shipping and freight businesses adapt to WALAS Wine Australia has created on-line tutorials on how to use the WALAS software. The tutorials relevant to freight and shipping agents include:
- 0.0 Create an account (5m 34s)
- 0.1 WALAS quick start guide (9m 30s)
- 1.3 Apply for a shipping exemption (8m 12s)
The tutorials can be accessed here and takes you through to an on-line training platform. You will need to register for the platform to access the training tutorials.
The tutorials are short – and are accompanied by downloadable quick reference guides to help refresh memories while accessing WALAS.
What do you need to do?
When you are ready to apply for your next shipping exemption undertake WALAS tutorials on ‘How to set up an account’ and ‘How to apply for a shipping exemption’, then go to the Wine Australia website and follow the prompts to WALAS and set up your account and apply for the exemption.
As a reminder
Shipping exemption categories include:
- Shipments under 100 litres – defined as a consignment made up of 1 exporter, or 1 or more related exporters; on 1 ship or aircraft; to a single port of discharge; whether or not to 1 consignee;
- Contained in the personal luggage of a traveller;
- For the household of an individual who is moving;
- For display at a trade fair or comparable event;
- For a scientific or technical purpose;
- For diplomatic or consular establishments as part of the duty-free allowance of the establishment;
- For victualling supplies that are held on board a means of international transport;
- Commercial samples for a prospective buyer.
Certificates and name changes
In June 2020 Wine Australia implemented WALAS – Wine Australia’s new Licensing and Approval System.
Wine Australia was previously called the Australian Grape and Wine Authority. On 6 November 2017 the Australian Grape and Wine Authority Amendment (Wine Australia) Act 2017 came into force. That Act changed the name of the Australian Grape and Wine Authority to Wine Australia.
Accordingly, import certificates generated in the new system will be issued in the name Wine Australia rather than the Australian Grape and Wine Authority.
A sample of the new Certificate of Origin Certificates issued under the China- Australia Free Trade Agreement by the new system can be viewed here and a sample of the China Certificate of Free Sale here. A sample of the new Certificates of Origin issued by Wine Australia can be viewed here.
For any enquiries, please contact
Associated exporters
No, you will need to invite associated exporters again once WALAS comes online. This can be done through the WALAS system (INVITE AN ASSOCIATED EXPORTER button). Once you receive the notification that your AE has accepted your invite you can link products for them to access in their shipping applications (LINK PRODUCTS TO AN ASSOCIATED EXPORTER button).
Yes you can, however we encourage that this be done through WALAS. The system is much more user friendly, character limits have been increased in fields, label descriptions can be amended etc.
In the licence management tab on the home page of WALAS you can choose to Manage users. In this section you can add a contact and assign their user type and any communications you wish them to receive. If the contact already has a log-in set up for WALAS they will be connected to your licence the next time they log-in. If they do not have a log-in, they will need to create one using the same email address you have listed in your contact list. This will allow the system to connect them to your licence.
Export licence
No, you will need to initiate the Licence Reissue process via WALAS. A reminder email will be sent to you 6 weeks before your licence is due to expire. Once you have completed the licence reissue application you can choose to pay now via NAB payment gateway or to pay later. In the case of choosing to defer payment the system will generate and email you an invoice which you can pay via EFT.
Passwords and clearing your cache
Occasional system slowness or unusual behaviour can be due to caching issues with your computer. The steps below outline the process of clearing your cache and removing saved passwords which might be causing issues when trying to reset your password.
Clearing your cache and saved passwords in Microsoft Edge
From within your Edge browser click on the three dots located at the top right of the screen to open the dropdown menu.
Select Settings from the list.
Clearing the Cache
- From your settings menu, scroll down to Clear Browsing Data, click on choose what to clear.
- From the new window, ensure that Cached data and files is selected. Note: You can deselect the other options if you do not wish to clear the data related to them.
- Click on Clear.
Clearing your saved passwords
- From your settings menu, scroll down to Clear Browsing Data, click on choose what to clear.
- From the new window, ensure that Passwords is selected. Note: This will clear all your saved passwords, including those from other pages.
- Click on Clear.
- Once your password has been deleted, close this window and proceed to the WALAS login screen.
Clearing your cache and saved passwords in Google Chrome
- From within the Chrome click on the three dots located at the top right of the screen to open the dropdown
- Select Settings from the list.
Clearing the Cache
- Type the word cache into the settings search field.
- Select Clear browsing data.
- From the new window, ensure that Cached images and files is selected. Note: You can deselect the other options if you do not wish to clear the data related to them.
- Choose a time range that reflects how long you have been using WALAS prior to your password isue occuring.
- Review your selection and click Clear data to proceed with the clearing of your cache. Note: This will clear all cached images and files, not just those related to WALAS.
Clearing your saved passwords
- Type the word passwords into the settings search field.
- Click the highlighted Passwords to continue.
- From the list of saved passwords, locate the one that is saved for WALAS Note: If you do not have this password saved, it will not be displayed in your list and you may close this window now and proceed to the WALAS login screen.
- Click on the three dots on this row to access more actions.
- Select remove to delete the saved password Note: If you have more than one password saved for WALAS displayed in your list, you may need to repeat this for each one.
- Once your password(s) have been deleted, close this window and proceed to the WALAS login screen.
Rather than emailing through your supporting documents, you would upload these as an attachment as part of the application process. The system will trigger you to do this when/if needed.
Searching for records
Use Advanced search
Yes, by using the advanced search and choosing record type ‘shipping application’. This will bring up all search fields that are relevant to your shipping application, include departure date, consignee and destination market.
The training software is separate software. You'll need to register with a separate username and password to access the modules.
WEA records migrating to WALAS
The only edits that can be made to approved products are the addition of more labels, VI1 certificate of analysis results and updating the import certificate label description field. You can also close products which are no longer needed.
Like all software systems WALAS requires maintenance and upgrading from time to time.
To ensure optimum availability and to assist exporters in their planning we have identified 7pm -10pm ACT on Thursdays as the time that the system is least likely to be used and will schedule routine maintenance for that time.