Market insights – Global

Since the 1990s, globalisation has seen a dramatic increase in wine trade. More than two-fifths of all wine consumed globally is produced in another country and this figure is even higher for grape wine at 54 per cent. This presents a wealth of opportunities for Australian wine exporters to identify potential markets that best suit their wines but also means that Australia competes in a global environment against other wine-producing countries from Europe and the Americas.
Reports listing
Restricted to levy payers and wine exporters. Some reports are available for purchase - find out more
Market Explorer
Wine Australia's Market Explorer can help determine which market is the most attractive to an Australian wine business by providing information on how much wine is consumed in different markets, where Australia exports wine to and what share of that consumption is Australian wine.
Export dashboard
The export dashboard provides interactive and comprehensive data and insights on Australian wine exports back to 2010. It provides headline figures for the latest release of data, as well as detailed statistics on wine exports by destination market, GI claim, variety, wine style, container type, and exporter size. All de-identified data can be downloaded in Excel form, while the dashboard can also be downloaded to PDF.
Bulk wine monitor
Latest update: 24 Mar 2025The Bulk Wine Monitor is a one-page at-a-glance summary, which provides grapegrowers and winemakers with an indication of supply and demand for commercial wine on the global market and the competitiveness of Australian wine.
View moreGlobal wine supply monitor
Latest update: 11 Mar 2025The global wine supply monitor offers a snapshot of global wine production, including historical volumes for the top eight producing countries, as well as analysis on this year’s vintage.
View moreWine import market reports
Latest update: 22 Nov 2024Summarises wine imports for various markets by three categories - bulk wine, bottled wine and sparkling wine. The report assists Australian wine exporters understand trends in global wine trade.
View morePer capita wine consumption for selected countries
Latest update: 08 Jan 2024This report details the per capita wine consumption in the highest consuming countries from 2018-2022. Per capita consumption is calculated as litres per adult per year of (grape-based) still wine, sparkling wine and fortified wine.
View moreGlobal wine production competitor analysis
Latest update: 02 Nov 2021The Global Wine Production Competitor Analysis report is a high-level overview of the main wine producing countries in the world: Italy, France, Spain, USA, South Africa, Argentina and Chile. It pulls together information from various data sources to summarise the profile of these countries as wine producers and exporters, and how they are positioned relative to Australia in key export markets.
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