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Global wine supply monitor

About the report

The global wine supply monitor offers a snapshot of global wine production, including historical volumes for the top eight producing countries, as well as analysis on this year’s vintage.

Updated annually, statistics include:

  • wine production in litres for the last five years for the top eight producing countries
  • current or upcoming vintage volume predictions
  • summaries of harvests in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Global wine consumption figures are also included and an analysis of supply and demand.

Countries included in the report:

  • Italy
  • France
  • Spain
  • United States
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Australia
  • South Africa

Report summary - March 2025

World wine production in 2024 is estimated to be the lowest since 1961, even lower than the previous record in 2023. While climatic conditions contributed to this result, there is evidence that wine-producing countries are starting to respond to prolonged over-supply conditions. 

Vintage 2024 was characterised in the northern hemisphere by extreme climatic conditions ranging from severe drought to heavy rainfall and destructive storms. Consequent vineyard damage and disease pressure contributed to lower crops. 

In the northern hemisphere, France saw the largest fall in production, down 23 per cent compared with 2023 to 3.7 billion litres. This saw it lose its position as the largest wine-producing country, dropping to second place below Italy, which increased its production by 7 per cent to 4.1 billion litres. Spain fared the best of the major northern hemisphere producers with an increase of 18 per cent compared with 2023 to be close to its five-year average of 3.5 billion litres.

The USA maintained its usual consistency, with a harvest of 2.4 billion litres, just 3 per cent below the previous year and 1 per cent below its five-year average.

In the southern hemisphere, Argentina and Australia both saw increases compared with their record-low 2023 vintages, but were still below average. Argentina regained its position as largest southern-hemisphere producer with 1.09 billion litres, an increase of 24 per cent compared with the previous year, whereas Chile – last year’s number one producer for the southern hemisphere – declined by 15 per cent to 0.9 billion litres, falling to third place after Argentina and Australia. South Africa also saw further declines below the 2023 harvest after multiple negative seasonal events including major flooding.

The combined result – largely driven by France – was a total vintage of 23.1 billion litres. This represented a further reduction of 2 per cent compared with the previous record low of 23.7 billion litres in 2023 and is 10 per cent below the five-year average and the smallest recorded since reporting began in 1961. 

Despite the record low vintage, total global wine production is still expected to exceed consumption  in 2024.


This report is compiled from production data reported by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), as well other sources including IWSR and Ciatti Wine Brokers.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.