Grape Price Indicators dashboard
The Grape Price Indicators dashboard provides a current summary of the key drivers of inland winegrape prices in Australia, as well as an indication of the forecast direction for grape prices ahead of the next vintage.
The indicators include export average value, global bulk wine prices, stock-to-sales ratio, grape crush, wine production and sales figures, as well as contextual statistics including GDP, CPI and consumer confidence. The main indicators can be filtered by grape colour and in some cases by variety (for the top three red and top three white varieties in the inland regions).
Before you start, you may wish to check out the tutorial video and read the dashboard guide.
Explore Grape Price Indicators dashboardExport dashboard
The export dashboard provides interactive and comprehensive data and insights on Australian wine exports back to 2010.
It provides headline figures for the latest release of data, as well as detailed statistics on wine exports by destination market, GI claim, variety, wine style, container type, and exporter size. All de-identified data can be downloaded in Excel form, while the dashboard can also be downloaded to PDF.
Explore Export DashboardNational Vintage Survey dashboard
Your one-stop-shop for Australia’s vintage crush data from 2015 to the latest report.
This dashboard provides vintage crush figures by volume and value, detailed tables on crush by variety and region, as well as average weighbridge purchase value by variety and region including price dispersion. All data can be downloaded in Excel form, while the dashboard can also be downloaded to PDF.
The data comes from the National Vintage Survey, which is the annual winegrape crush and weighbridge price survey conducted by Wine Australia on behalf of the Australian wine sector.
Explore Vintage Survey DashboardMarket Explorer
Please note: the Market Explorer has been redesigned to bring it into line with the other Interactive Insights tools. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like some training on the new tool, please contact the Market Insights team at
If you are looking to start exporting Australian wine or seeking to explore new markets and want data to inform your decision, then Market Explorer is a great place to start.
The Market Explorer can help determine which market is the most attractive to an Australian wine business by showing where wine is consumed and how much, which markets are showing growth in wine consumption, the share of on-trade versus off-trade, and what share of that consumption is Australian wine. It incorporates data from The IWSR for wine consumption, along with key economic indicators.
Wine Geographical Indications dashboard
An interactive map that allows you to explore Australia’s wine geographical indications (wine regions), look up statistics about each region, view vineyard locations and print maps.
The geographical indication (GI) boundaries are defined by legislation and entered in the Register of Protected Geographical Indications and other terms, which is maintained by Wine Australia. The vineyard locations are based on the National Vineyard Scan 2020 conducted by GAIA on behalf of Wine Australia.