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Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist Program

Mainland China

In financial year 2019–20, Wine Australia successfully certified 195 Australian Wine Trade Specialists in the categories of importer/distributor, retailer, on-premise, and sommeliers. 

Wine Australia will continue to expand our Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist Program in the 2020–21 financial year by both renewing the existing trade specialists and certifying more businesses and individual sommeliers who can demonstrate commitment and expertise in Australian wine.

Those who adopt our marketing and brand strategy to actively promote and/or sell premium Australian wines, will have the opportunity to become an Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist (Specialist). Certified entries were announced on July  152020.

View the Trade Specialists 2020-2021


Benefits of becoming a Specialist

  • Ability to use the Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist title and logo as agreed and outlined in the style guide and be awarded with the bespoke ‘Specialist’ certificate.
  • Exposure and promotion from Wine Australia, including listing on our official social media accounts of Weibo and WeChat.
  • Exposure from Wine Australia, including listing on our official website and WeChat mini program for twelve months.
  • Access to training and tastings and other suitable Wine Australia events as prioritised guests.
  • Support for your Australian wine promotional activities as resources allow.
  • When requested, introduce certified sommeliers to third party Australian wine tasting events.
  • When requested, introduce certified Trade Specialist importers or distributors to individual educators hosting Australian wine classes, for potential exposure of Specialist's Australian wine brands.
  • Promote Australian wine events organised by Specialist on Wine Australia official social media accounts upon request (note: such information must be provided to Wine Australia team 10 days in advance)

How to apply: New specialist applicants

  1. If you are an importer, complete the EOI Application form here with requested information, fill in the attached New Specialist Application Form – Importers, and upload the completed version to the EOI form by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  2. If you are a retailer, complete the EOI Application form here with requested information and upload your FULL wine list by the end of April 2020, by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  3. If you are an on-premise or individual sommelier professional, complete the EOI Application form here with requested information and upload your wine list by the end of April 2020, by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  4. After review, shortlisted qualified applicants who provided the requested information must attend the Australian Wine Discovered educational class, which is to be organised for Specialist candidates exclusively.
  5. All applicants who complete the educational class and submitted ALL their Australian wine list will be certified as Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist. A tailor designed AWD Trade Specialist certificate and a Logo will be awarded after full qualification and certification.
  6. The final Specialists will be announced via Wine Australia’s website, mini program, and social media platform of corporate wechat in the middle of July 2020.
  7. Wine Australia reserves the right to make sole determination of acceptability and continuity within and with this program.

How to apply: Renewal of certification

  1. If you are our existing importer Specialist, please complete the EOI Application form from the link with requested information, fill in the attached New Specialist Application Form – Importers, and upload the completed version to the EOI form by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  2. If you are our existing retailer Specialist, please complete the EOI Application form from the link with requested information and upload your FULL wine list by the end of April 2020, by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  3. If you are our existing On-premise or sommelier Specialist, please complete the EOI Application form from the link with requested information and upload your wine list by the end of April 2020, by COB Friday 22 May 2020.
  4. Wine Australia will review and qualify all the brand list the applicants submit.
  5. Wine Australia will review and qualify all the brand list the applicants submit.
  6. All applicants whose submitted Australian wine brand list are qualified by Wine Australia will be certified as Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist. A tailor designed AWD Trade Specialist certificate and a Logo will be awarded after full qualification and certification.
  7. The final Specialists will be announced via Wine Australia’s website, mini program, and social media platform of corporate wechat in the middle of July 2020.
  8. Wine Australia reserves the right to make sole determination of acceptability and continuity within and with this program.

Selection Criteria for new Specialist Applicants

It is required that all the new Specialist applicants satisfy/provide the following information to Wine Australia:

1. Currently legally or officially import/represent/sell/promote wines from a minimum of 2 Australian wineries/wine brands, the quality and the reputation of the wines from the Specialist include:

  • private label and bulk wine are excluded
  • export only brands will be considered but subject to Wine Australia sole discretion
  • whether Wine Australia is satisfied that the brand (including the label) to be promoted by the relevant party has a well-established presence in Australia
  • whether they have received any ‘high ratings’ from reputable wine press, such as Wine Advocate, Decanter, or James Halliday;
  • whether they have been the recipient of any wine press awards, such as Decanter Award; and/or
  • whether they have been the recipients of any silver or gold (or higher) medals at a wine show of an Australian state 
  • any brand or wine represented by the specialist not deemed eligible by Wine Australia for inclusion in this Trade Specialist program may be excluded at Wine Australia’s sole discretion

2. Actively promoting and/or selling Australian wine, consistent with Wine Australia strategy and objectives.

3. Provision of your Australian wine portfolio by the end of April 2020, including ALL the brands you represent/sell, and your sales channel and area coverage in Mainland China.

4. Actively promote Wine Australia activities in China to your Australian brands if it matches your marketing strategy and objectives.

5. Actively participate in Wine Australia activities and promotions as necessary.

6. Actively follow and interact with Wine Australia official social media platforms to promote Australian wines.

7. Willing to receive/subscribe Wine Australia e-newsletter or messages on Australian wine updated information, official Wine Australia events in China market, and their party industry events.

Wine Australia welcomes you to nominate any individuals or businesses that you think are actively promoting Australian wine in mainland China and deserving of participation in this program.


For more information about the Australian Wine Discovered Trade Specialist Program or to nominate any individuals or businesses for the program, please contact Ms Jessie Qian on

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.