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Participation at the 18th International symposium GiESCO, Porto, Portugal


GiESCO is an internationally renowned conference focussed on both basic and applied viticultural topics. Started as a European group by Alain Carbonneau and colleagues, GiESCO originally focused on training systems and ecophysiology, and has since evolved to encompass these themes plus basic and applied viticulture. The 18th GiESCO in Porto was unique in that it allowed attendees to visit two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ALTO DOURO WINE VALLEY and PORTO HISTORICAL CENTER, and to know the latest advances in Viticulture and Portuguese wine production. This was a unique opportunity for me to present the results from my research to an international viticultural community, to interact with renowned viticultural researchers and to establish contacts that will hopefully lead to collaboration and/or further research in the viticultural field.


Catherine Kidman travelled to Porto, Portugal to attend the 18th International Symposium GiESCO where she presented a poster “The effect of water stress on the reproductive performance of Shiraz (Vitis vinifera) grafted to American Vitis rootstocks” Participation at GiESCO gave Catherine the opportunity to make and renew contacts with international viticultural researchers that will facilitate future collaboration in research, particularly with reference to rootstocks and irrigation studies. Attendance to the conference gave Catherine the opportunity to learn from research in many fields of plant physiology. A highlight of the symposium was the mix of lectures and practical excursions, a particular highlight was a visit to the Alto Duoro wine region and associated tours and viticultural lectures in vineyards of the region.

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