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Leadership development in the wine industry (Future Leaders)


The purpose of the program is to further develop leadership talent within the wine industry and ensure that the next generation of leaders can continue to develop the industry's network.


The Future Leaders program for the Australian wine sector was launched in May 2006 to help develop the skills and potential of the next generation of wine industry leaders.

Sixty graduates have completed the first four intakes of the program, with the final group completing in November 2010, and are now taking on key industry roles and adding their voice to important industry debates.

The program involves sharing decades of wisdom from successful industry leaders with the upcoming leaders of the future. Importantly, it captures the ‘street-smarts’ within the industry and attempts to accelerate the development of tomorrow’s industry leaders.

We have had successful applicants from all facets of the industry – from researchers, grape growers, winemakers, marketers, sales and corporate industry participants.

Graduates of the program are encouraged to take on roles within the industry at regional, state and national levels. A key focus of Directions 2025 and the industry as a whole is to strengthen and support the up skilling of regional industry groups. Participants are strongly encouraged and supported to take on local leadership roles following the program if they are not already active in this arena.

This program will result in a range of incalculable benefits that include the strengthening of the industry’s human resource capacity at the highest levels. This in turn will result in better operation of the industry’s value chain, industry structures, international linkages and a future driven focus on industry development and innovation via the ‘best practice’ delivery / adoption / prioritisation of R&D.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.