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Review of GWRDC’s leadership investments


In this project, Wine Australia conducted a review of its investments into leadership programs. The review encompassed:

* evaluating the effectiveness of the leadership investments that have been made
* providing recommendations on how to better harness the skills of participants
* guiding the GWRDC's future leadership investments.


The Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) committed to investing in the next generation of industry leaders and researchers as part of its five-year Research and Development Plan for the period 2007-2012.

Three years into the five-year Plan, it is timely to reflect on the investment made to date, and determine the extent to which a return on investment is being achieved for the Corporation and for the industry.

There are currently three leadership programs supported by the GWRDC, varying in intensity and cost. These are:

  • funding of one candidate per year to attend the Australian Rural Leadership Program, run by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
  • funding of 15 people each year to attend the Future Leaders Program, run over four years from 2006
  • funding for more than 100 people over three years to attend the Wine Industry Leadership Program.

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