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Developing tools and demonstration sites that integrate biodiversity into vineyard production systems, promoting sustainability


The aim of 'Developing tools and demonstration sites that integrate biodiversity into vineyard production systems, promoting sustainability' was to engage with the wine industry and individual growers to encourage the integration, and increase the area of, native vegetation into vineyards in the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board (AMLRNRM) Region.


The project developed a workshop with a range of tools and templates for use by vineyard managers to develop biodiversity action plans for their vineyards. The project successfully engaged grapegrowers across the McLaren Vale and Barossa wine regions, holding a total of five workshops with 94 participants. The project also developed a range of information and tools to assist grapegrowers integrate biodiversity into their vineyards, including:

  • Background information for winegrape growers
  • Biodiversity action planning for the vineyard
  • Biodiversity Action Plan – Managing remnant vegetation and revegetation projects
  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Remnant Vegetation and Revegetation Projects
  • Biodiversity Action Plan – Establishment of Native Grasses
  • A Step by Step Guide to Establishing Native Grasses
  • Identification of Demonstration Sites (Case Studies)
  • Identification of Native Grasses found in Vineyards ‐ Ute Guide

This information and tools are documented in the manual ‘Enhancing Biodiversity in the Vineyard- Workshop Notes: Information for McLaren Vale and Barossa Winegrape Growers’ which can be downloaded from the AMLRNRM Board and regional websites. The ‘Native Grasses ID cards’ are also available for download on the same websites.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.