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Travel to 6th International Symposium on Phylloxera: Rootstock perspectives


Harley Smith attended the sixth International Symposium on Phylloxera at the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne de du Vin in Bordeaux, France. Currently, phylloxera is a considerable threat to viticulture in most parts of the world leading to use and development of phylloxera tolerant or resistant rootstocks. Research in rootstock breeding and the biology of phylloxera was presented at the meeting. In addition, research on rootstock breeding for resistance to other pests, including nematodes, as well as abiotic stress was presented. Harley Smith presented preliminary results on the genetics of phylloxera and nematode resistance in grapevine, which is currently funded by Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) project CSP 1304. In addition, Harley Smith met with key researchers in rootstock breeding at the meeting.


Dr. Harley Smith attended the sixth International Symposium on Phylloxera at the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne de du Vin in Bordeaux, France in August 2013. An abstract titled “Toward developing genetic markers for phylloxera resistance: preliminary observations using two endemic phylloxera genetic strains”, which describes preliminary results from the recently funded Wine Australia project CSP 1304, was selected for an oral presentation in the session called “Grapevine resistance and rootstock breeding for phylloxera and nematode resistance”. The oral presentation started with an introduction to CSIRO’s rootstock breeding programs and the collective goal of developing new rootstocks to increase scion performance under Australian growing conditions. Preliminary results were presented showing that phylloxera resistance is conferred by a single dominant locus in a V. cinerea accession. Data was also presented showing that the molecular markers linked to phylloxera resistance in the “Borner” rootstock fail to predict resistance in our V. cinerea genetic populations. Therefore, Borner markers for phylloxera resistance cannot be used in a marker assisted selection scheme for developing rootstocks for Australia. During the conference contacts were established with key researchers in rootstock breeding for resistance to phylloxera and rootknot nematode including Drs. Peter Cousins, Andrew Walker and Rudolf Eibach. After the meeting ended, Drs. Mandy Walker, Everard Edwards and I met with Dr. Nathalie Ollat’s group at the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne de du Vin and discussed rootstock breeding research with her laboratory. Although most of Dr. Ollat’s research is focused on rootstock-scion interactions in response to abiotic stress, I was able to meet with her collaborator, Dr. Daniel Demangeat, who works on nematode resistance in grapevine. CSIRO and the Wine Australia are thanked for funding an operational budget, in-kind support and travel funding for the project.

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