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Petroleum spray oil and biological pesticide based IPDM for horticulture


Tests carried out on grape (cv. Chardonnay) leaves naturally infected with powdery mildew and grown in glasshouse showed that BP Summer Spray Oil was effective as pre- and post-infection sprays in significantly reducing incidence of the disease. Applications of calcium at the end of flowering and at pre-bunch closure significantly reduced the incidence of Botrytis bunch rot of grapes in the vineyard. The spray oil was not suitable for dormant treatments in the management of cane and leaf blight [Phomopsis viticola (Type 2)] and bunch rot (Botryis cinerea) diseases. Applications of the spray oil reduced the populations of two-spotted mites (Tetranychus urticae) and blister mites (Colomerus vitis) on grapevines in the vineyard. The oil did not disrupt the natural populations of predators and parasitoids (Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhlodromus occidentalis, Cryptolaemus montrouzierei) in the crop.


BP summer spray oil tested.

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