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Downy Mildew Action Plan – A regional model


Downy Mildew Action Plan - A regional model


The Riverland Downy Mildew Action Plan establishes guidelines for the wine industry to; prepare for and, respond to, Downy Mildew events.

The purpose of the plan is to:

  • Provide policy and guidelines for the consistent management of Downy Mildew events by appropriately trained personnel;
  • Improve the technical validity of underlying assumptions in the development of strategies to respond to Downy Mildew events;
  • Provide a focus for training personnel in operational response procedures;
  • Provide standard operating procedures for personnel involved in response management;
  • Establish a protocol document able to be implemented by other regions for their management of this disease.

The plan contains provisions to:

  1. Inform, educate and support growers
  2. Ensure timely access to appropriate chemicals
  3. Coordinate regional response to downy mildew events

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.