Western Plains Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Western Plains" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 1 May 1996 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
New South Wales 1: 1 500 000 Lamberts conical conformal projections with standard parallels 30° and 36° S.
a single map showing: Local Government Areas
City Council Names
Council Names
Copyright 1993
Date of issue: October, 1993
Compiled and Produced by: Land Information Centre
Department of Conservation and Land Management Panorama Avenue
Bathurst NSW 2795
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "Western Plains" is located within the State of New South Wales, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located at the intersection of the northernmost point of the South Australia/New South Wales border, with the westernmost point of the Queensland/New South Wales Local Government Areas Map point known as Cameron Corner, and thence proceeds generally east along the Queensland/New South Wales border, and thence in a generally north east direction along the Queensland/New South Wales border as formed by the Barwon River, to the point of intersection with the National Highway identified as Highway "39" and named as the Newell Highway adjacent to Goondiwindi , and thence generally in a south southwesterly direction passing through the towns of Moree, Narribri, Coonabarabran, and Gilgandra to the point of intersection of the National Highway "39" with the northern boundary of the City Council of Dubbo, and thence generally east, thence generally south, thence generally southwest, thence generally west along this border to its point of intersection with the south eastern boundary of the Council of Narromine, thence west thence south to the point of intersection with the eastern boundary of the Council of Parkes, thence generally southward thence generally westward to the point of intersection of the boundary of the Council of Parkes with the National Highway "39", and thence proceeds generally southwest through the town of Forbes to the point where Highway "39" crosses the Lachlan River, thence following the Lachlan River generally west to the point of its intersection with the western boundary of the Council of Forbes, thence generally west thence north thence east along the western boundary of the Council of Forbes to the point of intersection with the Indian Pacific Railway line, and thence generally west along the Indian Pacific Railway line through the towns of Condobolin, Euabalong West, Matakana, Roto, Trida and Conoble to its intersection with the highway identified as the Cobb Highway adjacent to the township of Ivanhoe, and thence in a generally north west direction along the Cobb Highway to its intersection with the highway identified as the Barrier Highway "32" to the south east of the township of Wilcannia, and thence in a generally north west direction passing through the township of Wilcannia and thence in a generally south west direction along the highway identified as the Barrier Highway "32" to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the City Council of Broken Hill and thence in a generally north direction along the eastern boundary of the City Council of Broken Hill and thence in a generally west direction along the northern boundary of the City Council of Broken Hill and thence in a generally south direction along the western boundary of the City Council of Broken Hill to its intersection with the Barrier Highway "32", and thence in a generally west direction along this Highway to its intersection with the New South Wales/South Australia border at a point adjacent to the township of Cockburn, South Australia, and thence generally north along the New South Wales/South Australia border to the beginning point.
The area so enclosed includes all of the Council of Bogan, the Council of Bourke, the Council of Brewarrina, the Council of Coonamble, the Council of Walgett, the Council of Warren, the Council of Narromine, the City Council of Dubbo, the Council of Parkes, and that part of the Council of Carrathool lying to the north of the border as defined by the Indian Pacific Railway line, and those parts of the Council of Moree Plains, the Council of Narrabri, the Council of Coonabarabran, and the Council of Gilgandra lying to the west of the border as defined by National Highway "39", and those parts of the Council of Forbes lying north of the border as defined by the Lachlan River and to the west of the border as defined by National Highway "39", and also those parts of the Council of Lachlan, the Council of Cobar, the Council of Central Darling, the Unincorporated Area, lying to the north of the border as described by the Indian Pacific Railway Line, the Barrier Highway and the Cobb Highway.