Glenrowan Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Glenrowan" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 14 October 2003 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
Dookie topographic map
Scale 1:100,000
Series R652
Map sheet 8025
Edition 2-AAS
Produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps
under the direction of the Chief of the General Staff
Printed by the Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1987
Wangaratta topographic map
Scale 1:100,000
Series R652
Map sheet 8125
Edition 2-AAS
Produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps
under the direction of the Chief of the General Staff
Printed by the Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1989
Whitfield topographic map
Scale 1:100,000
Series R652
Map sheet 8124
Edition 2-AAS
Produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps
under the direction of the Chief of the General Staff
Printed by the Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1987
Euroa topographic map
Scale 1:100,000
Series R652
Map sheet 8024
Edition 2-AAS
Produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps
under the direction of the Chief of the General Staff
Printed by the Royal Australian Survey Corps, 1987
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication “Glenrowan” is located within the zone “North East Victoria” within the State of Victoria, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located on Map Dookie (Sheet 8025) at grid reference CV949821, being the intersection of two unnamed roads, then proceeds easterly in a straight line to an unnamed road at grid reference CV968821, then proceeds easterly along the unnamed road to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference DV059823, then proceeds northerly along the other unnamed road to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference DV059854, then proceeds easterly along the other unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference DV072854 near Lake Rowan, then proceeds northerly along the other unnamed road to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference DV070980, then proceeds easterly along the other unnamed road to the edge of the map at grid reference DV101980; On to Map Wangaratta (Sheet 8125) at grid reference DV101980, then proceeds generally easterly along the same unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road near Tarrawalla homestead at grid reference DV217970, then proceeds southerly along the other unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference DV218948, then proceeds generally easterly along the other unnamed road to its intersection with an unnamed sealed main road at grid reference DV305949, then proceeds generally south easterly along the unnamed sealed main road to intersect Hume Highway near the eastern edge of Wangaratta at grid reference DV397763, then proceeds generally south westerly along Hume Highway to intersect the unnamed road to Greta West at grid reference DV309642, then proceeds generally south south westerly in a straight line to the edge of the map at grid reference DV293603; On to Map Whitfield (Sheet 8124) at grid reference DV293603, then proceeds south south westerly in the same straight line to the unnamed road at grid reference DV282574, then proceeds south south easterly in a straight line to an unnamed road at grid reference DV288539, then proceeds generally south westerly along the unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference DV251514, then proceeds generally westerly along the other unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference DV243515, then proceeds generally south westerly along the same unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference DV212475, then proceeds generally westerly and then north westerly along the other unnamed road to the edge of the map at grid reference DV105535; On to Map Euroa (Sheet 8024) at grid reference DV105535, then proceeds generally north westerly along the same unnamed road to its junction with Hume Highway at grid reference DV093542, then proceeds generally south westerly along Hume Highway to its junction with Midland Highway at grid reference DV089541, then proceeds generally north north westerly along Midland Highway to the edge of the map at grid reference DV070601; On to Map Dookie (Sheet 8025) at grid reference DV070601, then proceeds generally north westerly along Midland Highway to its junction with an unnamed road at grid reference DV014644, then proceeds generally north north westerly along the unnamed road to its junction with Stewarton Road and three other unnamed roads at grid reference DV004685, then proceeds north easterly along an unnamed road to its junction with another unnamed main road at grid reference DV018693, then proceeds north westerly along the other unnamed main road to its junction with another unnamed road at grid reference CV949821, being the descriptor starting point.