Currency Creek Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Currency Creek" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 9 April 2001 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
Encounter topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6626-4
Third edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Photolithography A B Caudell, Government Printer 1991
Willunga topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6627-3
Third edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Photolithography A Secker, Government Printer 1992
Milang topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6627-2
Third edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Photolithography A B Caudell, Government Printer 1990
Alexandrina topographic map
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6727-3
Second edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Photolithography D J Woolman, Government Printer 1986
Narrung topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6726-4
Third edition
Published by authority of the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources.
Aerial photography, Svy. SA 4556, July 1992
Goolwa topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6626-1
Third edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General.
Photolithography A B Caudell, Government Printer 1990
GI textual description:
The geographical indication "Currency Creek" is located in zone Fleurieu within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located on Map Encounter (Sheet 6626-4) at grid reference TF895649, being a point on the coastline at Knights Beach, then proceeds north north westerly along unnamed street through Port Elliott to its intersection with Waterport Road and Crows Nest Road at grid reference TF890666, then proceeding generally northerly along Crows Nest Road to the edge of map at grid reference TF880689; On to Map Willunga (Sheet 6627-3) at grid reference TF880689, then continues generally northerly along Crows Nest road to its intersection with Higgins Road at grid reference TF878718, then proceeds south south easterly along Higgins Road to grid reference TF885714, then proceeds north north easterly along Higgins Road to the vehicular track at grid reference TF887723, then proceeds north easterly along this vehicular track to the Mt. Compass Goolwa Road at grid reference TF929755, then proceeds northerly along Mt. Compass Goolwa Road to its intersection with Deep Creek Road at grid reference TF929758, then proceeds north easterly along Deep Creek Road to its intersection with Frome Road at grid reference TF933777, then proceeds generally northerly along Deep Creek Road to its intersection with Scott Conservation Park Road at grid reference TF936800, then proceeds generally north easterly along Deep Creek Road to its intersection with Olsen Road at grid reference TF941810, then proceeds north easterly along Deep Creek road to its intersection with Adelaide Goolwa Road at grid reference TF953816, then proceeds northerly along Adelaide Goolwa Road passing Hunts Road on the right at grid reference TF949829 to the most southern point of Cox Scrub Conservation Park at grid reference TF941855, then proceeds north easterly along Adelaide Goolwa Road to its intersection with an unnamed vehicular track at grid reference TF956876, then proceeds south easterly along the unnamed vehicular track to the edge of map at grid reference TF957874; On to Map Milang (Sheet 6627-2) at grid reference TF956874, then proceeds south easterly along the vehicular track to its intersection with Signal Flat Road at grid reference TF977867, then proceeds southerly along Signal Flat Road to its intersection with Braeside Road to grid reference TF978860, then proceeds south easterly along Signal Flat Road to the bridge over Giles Creek at grid reference UF004851, then proceeds south easterly along Signal Flat Road crossing Reserve Road to the northern boundary of section 2065 at grid reference UF010840, then proceeds easterly along northern boundary of sections 2065, 2064, 2062 and 2059 to the eastern boundary of section 2059 at grid reference UF033838, then proceeds southerly along the eastern boundary of sections 2059 and 51 to the Victor Harbour Tourist Railway line at grid reference UF033829, then proceeds south westerly along the railway line to the northern corner of section 52 at grid reference UF032827, then proceeds southerly along the eastern boundary of section 52 to the intersection of the Finniss Milang and Finniss Clayton Roads at grid reference UF032822, then proceeds easterly along the Finniss Milang Road to its intersection with Dry Plains Road to the north and Woolshed Road to the south at grid reference UF062824, then proceeds south easterly along Finniss Milang Road to its intersection with Narilla Road at grid reference UF099818, then proceeds east south easterly along Finniss Milang Road through the township of Punkuldi at grid reference UF127812 and continue south easterly along the Finniss Milang Road to its intersection with Nine Mile Road at grid reference UF145810, then proceeds south easterly along Nine Mile Road to its intersection with unnamed road at grid reference UF152803, then proceeds north easterly along the unnamed road crossing Gun Club Road at grid reference UF155804 and continue along the unnamed road to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference UF167807, then proceeds south easterly along the other unnamed road to the Lake Alexandrina waterline at grid reference UF164800, then proceeds generally southerly and then south easterly along the waterline of the Sturt Peninsula to edge of map at grid reference UF186708; On to Map Alexandrina (Sheet 6727-3) at grid reference UF186708, then proceeds easterly along the waterline to the edge of map at grid reference UF224698; On to Map Narrung (Sheet 6726-4) at grid reference UF224698, then proceeds south easterly along the waterline to the eastern boundary of the Hundred of Alexandrina at Point Sturt at grid reference UF227695, then proceeds south westerly along the Hundred line to the edge of map at grid reference UF183680; On to Map Goolwa (Sheet 6626-1) at grid reference UF183680, then proceeds south westerly along the Hundred line to the Hundred of Nangkita at grid reference UF166671, then proceeds generally south westerly along eastern boundary of the Hundred of Nangkita to the Murray Mouth at grid reference UF083628, then proceeds generally north westerly along the coastline to the edge of map at grid reference UF959669; On to Map Encounter (Sheet 6626-4) at grid reference TF959669, then proceeds generally westerly and then south westerly along the coastline to grid reference TF894648, being the descriptor starting point.