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What does AirborneLogic do?

Their high-precision base maps geolocate and label vines, rows and blocks to within 2–4cm accuracy. Maps can be overlaid with soil mapping, irrigation and other records and accessed via their online portal for easy export or transfer into other software and mobile platforms such as tablets, farm machinery and mobile phones.

How does it work?


After mapping has been completed, AirborneLogic’s online grower portal allows growers to easily compare variability in canopy area (m2) across their vineyard. AirborneLogic has a range of remote sensing tools to help growers rapidly assess vine health and accurately compare changes over time to help assess and predict the outcomes of management actions and environmental variables. These insights can be valuable for pinpointing underperforming row sections and vines (bare wire), placing sensors where they need to go and designing variable rate applications or planning for vine replacement and infrastructure.

Users reported multiple benefits from Airborne Logic’s online grower portal including the ability to quickly count vines, tally missing plants and bare wire, map vigour zones for variable rate applications and improve information derived from destructive sampling and in-ground sensors. The visual nature of the tool has been described as ‘being the next best thing to being out in the vineyard’.

Demonstration farm availability

This is currently unavailable at one of our demonstration farms.

Trial and practice

Article: New trial to put precision site mapping to the test


The price is TBA


Available to purchase through the Developer

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.