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Free Trade Agreements in Japan and South Korea

Hiro Tejima, Wine Australia's Head of Market for Asia Pacific, discusses the impact of these agreements for Australian wineries.

On April 8, 2014, Australia signed a free trade agreement with the Republic of Korea, known as KAFTA, an agreement which came in to force on December 12, 2014. This was followed by the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement, known as JAEPA, which entered into force on January 15, 2015. Hiro Tejima, Wine Australia's Head of Market for Asia Pacific, discusses the impact of these agreements for Australian wineries. Have these agreements excited and reinvigorated these markets? Are there greater opportunities for Australian wineries in these markets?

In the first 12 months since the FTAs have come in to effect, we have seen exports to South Korea and Japan increase in volume by 39 % and by 42% respectively, impressive and encouraging figures. However now is not the time to rest on our laurels, the real benefits of these FTAs will only be realised if we, the Australian wine community, work together to promote the Australian fine wine offering.

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