Export summary
An Export Summary is provided to you to assist in making your export declaration or 'return', which is required under the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Regulations 1991.
The Wine Export Charge is calculated from your Statement of Exports
Each quarter, the full charge is always calculated from 1 July of the levy year. The amount you have already been invoiced is removed to give the balance that you owe each quarter.
How to request a Review
If any of your information is incorrect, please email finance@wineaustralia.com and request a review of your export summary.
You must include the following information so that your shipment data can be corrected:
- Exporter ID
- Export Permit Number
- Exporter Reference
- For packaged wine: Continuing Approval Number, Number of cases, Bottle per case, Bottle volume (750ml), FOB value
- For bulk wine: Continuing Approval Number, Number of tanks, Tank size (25,000l), Total Volume, FOB value
You are required to submit a return and pay the Wine Export Charge amount by the 28th day of each new quarter. If payment is not made by the due date, penalties for late payment are likely to be applied by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Levy Collection Service.