Export Market Guide - Brazil

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.
All regulatory information for exporting wine to Brazil, including the regulatory environment, duties and taxes, and permitted additives.
Unless an exemption has been granted by Wine Australia, grape products exported from Australia must comply with the Food Standards Code. Accordingly, the labelling and wine standards information in Wine Australia’s Export Market Guides should be read in conjunction with Wine Australia’s Licensing and Compliance Guide which contains the requirements of the Food Standards Code and applicable exemptions.
Brazil is a member of the WTO and the G20 and holds the chair for the G20 group of developing countries in the WTO.
Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay formed the Southern Cone Common Market (known as'Mercosul') in 1991. In July 2006, Venezuela officially became a full member of Mercosul. Chile and Bolivia also have special trade agreements with the member countries. Mercosul represents a market of almost 250 million people with a multi-trillion dollar combined GDP.
The information in this guide has mostly been obtained from secondary sources. Caution should be taken when using this guide and it is advisable to seek further information.
Regulatory environment
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) regulates production, marketing, import and export for a range of products including alcoholic beverages. MAPA and the Ministry of Health (MS) through its National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) are the primary regulators of agricultural products. The following information should be treated with caution and clarification should be sought from your Brazilian agent.
There are numerous laws applicable to wine. Wine is governed by Law 7.678/1988 and regulated by Decree 8.198/2014 on Regulating the Production, Distribution and Marketing of Wine and Grape Products. In addition, wine is also governed by Identity and Quality Standards (PIQs) established in specific Normative Instructions. The relevant standards have been consolidated in the Annex to the Standard Internal Dipov No. 01/2019 (Consolidation of the Standards of Drinks, Fermented Acetic, Wine and Grape Derivatives of Wine).
Other laws relevant to wine include RDC Resolução No. 123/2016 which provides for food additives and authorised technology assistants for use in wines; Instrução Normativa No 49/2011 on Technical Regulation on Oenological Practices; and Instrução Normativa No 67/2018 on certificate procedures for the export and import of wines.