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The role of inter-row ground covers to improve the management and sustainability of Australian vineyard soils


The project was devised to enable the adoption of more sustainable soil management practices across the range of grape growing regions of South Eastern Australia, and to determine the most appropriate temperate plant species and cover crop systems to employ in each of these regions.


The overall aim of this project was to provide the viticultural industry with a grower extension kit, designed to assist the grower in making decisions on how to employ cover cropping technology and what benefits may be expected to accrue. The extension guide allows particular species/cultivars to be selected according to region, and explains the management techniques required to optimise any potential benefits.

The primary aim of this project’s trial program was to evaluate a diverse range of species/cultivars, and to identify those which have applications as a cover crop. This screening work pre-empted a more detailed characterisation of a smaller number of species and varieties which showed prospects for use as cover crops in vineyards.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.