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Development and validation of protocols for small-scale fermentation using both fresh and snap-frozen grapes


This report details the outputs of a one year research project which examined the validity of using small scale fermentations (100 kg) as a means of representing larger industrial-scale fermentations. Also, in an attempt to validate the use of frozen grapes to allow research fermentations to be conducted outside of vintage, freezing treatments (conventional and snapfreezing) were applied to whole bunches before grapes were thawed, processed and made into wine as per fresh grapes. The outcomes of this study indicate that small-scale fermentations performed as described herein are a reliable representation of those performed on a larger scale, and that wine produced from snap-frozen rather than conventionally frozen whole bunches was more reminiscent of that made from fresh grapes.


Compare 100 with 700L multi scale fermenters and develop a set of application ready procedures. Compare slow frozen and snap frozen berries with fresh grapes as material and define optimum procedure for fermentation trials with frozen grapes after vintage.

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