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Barriers in United States trade for developing premium Australian wine sales


The project objectives were to gain insights and understanding of the thinking and motivations of the key members of the US wine trade and to explore barriers to the development of premium Australian wine sales in the US market.


The overall objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the thinking and motivations of the US wine trade in respect to Australian wines, and to explore barriers for developing premium Australian wine sales in the US market. To enable this, Wine Opinions conducted four discussion groups among United States (US) wine distributors, on- and off-premise representatives and importers to explore how to increase Australian premium wine sales in the US.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.