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17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Leipzig


The 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 17) was held in Leipzig, Germany, from 12th to 17th of August 2018. ISME 17 attracted around 2,500 international scientists this year. The AGWA Travel Grants supported Di Liu to attend this conference to present her current vineyard soil microbiome research through a poster presentation and network with other international researchers working in microbial ecology fields.


Di Liu is a PhD candidate in the school of agriculture and food at The University of Melbourne, supervised by Dr Kate Howell. Di Liu presented a poster on her current research, entitled “The vineyard soil microbiome distribution model in southern Australia” at ISME 17. The abstract is attached in the appendix. The sessions of the conference provide overviews of current progress in microbial ecology. Specifically, the sessions of frontiers of soil microbial ecology, managing microbial communities, fungal-bacterial interactions, and plant microbe interactions, are potentially of great help for vineyard management in Australia.

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