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Travel bursary application for the participation at the international conference “MACROWINE 2016, Macromolecules and Secondary Metabolites of Grapevine and Wine´´


The principal activity of the travel was to attend the international congress Macrowine 2016. The opportunity to have an oral presentation gave us the chance to present at the scientific community part of our results related with the project NWG 1401, funded by AGWA. The exposure of the data opened a discussion with experts of the field of wine macromolecules. The discussion focussed mainly on the option for further experimentation. Moreover, the attendance to the Macrowine 2016 gave the opportunity to get in contact with potential collaborators all over the world. Several presented interest on the work that was presented at the congress and for future collaborations. Finally, the participation at the Macrowine 2016 was a good opportunity to keep up to date with the lastest discoveries in the field of wine macromolecules.


Part of the AWGA funded (NWG 1401) research work was presented at the international congress Macrowine 2016 at the session ‘Macromolecules and metabolites’. From the general discussion after the oral presentation, it seems that the research was well received and of interest to the audience. Consequently, discussion was made on possible strategies to continue/complete further work with international collaborations with various research groups from overseas. Finally, the participation at the congress allows us to be updated with the latest findings in our field of research and related fields. The number and quality of oral and poster presentations was a good opportunity to keep up to date with research in the wine related field.

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