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Transitionary activities


All objectives have been achieved and the Transitionary Activities are complete. Specifically; • extension activities were conducted through the AWRI Nodes, including enhancements to the Research to Practice module on Refrigeration with the addition of case studies developed by the Riverina Node; • a proof of principle metagenomics study was successfully completed, demonstrating the effect of winemaking intervention on the genetic diversity of wild wine fermentations; • work on the formation and fate of sulfidic off-aromas in bottled red wines has been completed, highlighting the potential to positively impact on wine quality through oxygen management in and copper additions to rotary fermenters; and • the acquisition of approved capital items and small capital items has been completed.


This project aimed to aid AWRI to transition from the 2006-2013 (7 year) Agreement to the 2013-2017 Agreement. The funding was residual unspent money from the 7 year Agreement. All objectives have been achieved. Specifically; extension activities were conducted and capacity in AWRI nodes in Griffith, Hunter Valley and Tasmania was maintained pending approval of new Node activities; a proof of principle metagenomics study was successfully completed, demonstrating the effect of winemaking intervention on the genetic diversity of wild wine fermentations; work on the formation and fate of sulfidic off-aromas in bottled red wines has been completed, highlighting the potential to positively impact on wine quality through oxygen management in and copper additions to rotary fermenters; and the acquisition of approved capital items and small capital items has been completed. Significant practical outputs of benefit to the Australian grape and wine industry include enhancements to the RTP module on Refrigeration with the addition of case studies developed by the Riverina Node; and fact sheets, case studies and calculators relating to heat transfer and refrigeration and bioenergy available via the AWRI website (

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.