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Spring Vine Health Field Days


Eleven Spring Vine Health Field Days were held across Australia in 2010. Presentations and reports from these events are available online at . These extension events involved procuring an average of $20K of resources.
Assessments of the capacity to manage vine health were completed in five regions as pre field day reviews. These revealed aspirations to improve in all areas. Evaluations of grower responses to 18 presentations showed positive changes in self-rated knowledge and capability. Ten recommendations for further development of the program are included.


The largest expense and labour use for vineyards is vine health. Vine health is also an issue of ongoing importance for state governments. Strategies to achieve vine health operate at many levels (e.g. individual vineyard, catchment, state). The many stakeholders in vine health include; all tiers of government, the NRM regions (Catchment Management Authorities), suppliers and researchers. Vine Health information needs to be updated regularly. There are considerable opportunities for synergy and efficiency from coordination in this area.

The Spring Vine Health Field Days aimed to increase communication efficiency by providing a focus and coordination for all stakeholders a systems-approach to innovation and a regular annual rhythm of communication. Six pre field day reviews of capacity to manage vine health were conducted and eleven Spring Vine Health Field Days were held across Australia in 2010.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.