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Participation in Macrowine 2014, Macromolecules and secondary metabolites of grapevine and wine, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 7-10 September 2014


The travel grant provided by the authority allowed Dr Jun Niimi to attend the Macrowine 2014 conference and give the oral presentation titled “Sensory attribute differences in Cabernet Sauvignon wines of varied provenance can be discriminated with mid-infrared spectroscopy”. The travel gave the opportunity to gain new knowledge on wine metabolomics analyses that are being researched across the world and the chance to network with established researchers and keynote speakers of the field. The conference covered topics that were broadly categorised for the oral and poster presentations included: • Chemistry and chemical analyses of grape and wine macro-molecules and metabolites • Origin and destination of macromolecules and metabolites: From biosynthesis and modification to impact in wine • Towards integration: From systems biology to chemical profiles to sensory perception


Dr Jun Niimi, a postdoctoral fellow at the university of Adelaide, received the Wine Australia travel grant to attend the Macrowine 2014 conference, held in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The conference was held from 7-10 September. Dr Niimi provided an oral presentation – “Sensory attribute differences in Cabernet Sauvignon wines of varied provenance can be discriminated with mid-infrared spectroscopy” and was one of six delegates representing Australian institutions. The conference was designed to bring together the world’s leading wine scientists to present their work as well as discuss some of the ongoing challenges encountered by both research and industry. Over three and a half days there were eight keynote speakers who spoke at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions. A total of 40 oral presentations were given and 65 posters provided, each with an overarching focus on wine science and data analysis.

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