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Life-cycle cost analysis of wine processing to identify major opportunities for process efficiency improvements


The original concept of activity-based costing was developed for manufacturing industries and these have been adapted to wineries in this project. An activity based costing (ABC) model provides a tool to quantify life cycle costs of production activities. These costs can include depreciation, waste, resource and other business costs. This project found ABC is a useful tool for enabling wineries to make informed decisions about increasing efficiency, competitiveness and profitability.


Objectives This project investigates the application of activity-based cost (ABC) modeling as a method for analysing life cycle costs of winery activities. The objective is to evaluate the benefits of undertaking ABC modeling to increase process efficiency within a winery. Background Understanding a winery’s costs provides information to improve winery cost performance. The role of ABC is to provide information about the cost of production activities with the aim of increasing the efficiency of winery operations. The principle behind ABC is that activities in a business are the primary cause of costs. These activities consume resources, which in turn consume costs. Changing winery activities will therefore change these activity costs and therefore change operating costs. Research approach Activity Based Costing models were developed for Australian winery operations and then trialled at 11 diverse wineries. Data from these wineries was used to create an aggregated model. Data from this aggregated model was analysed to provide insight into the cost of winemaking activities and identify the largest opportunities for efficiency improvements. Industry benefit The tools generated by this project allow wineries to produce reliable, easy-to-use information about cost of production. The benefits of ABC include: Performance metric data that provides better understanding of costs Identification of activities that need efficiency improvements Quantification of lost wine value Cost impact of production changes easily modelled Determine the actual cost of a wine SKU Performance and cost benchmark data for meaningful comparison ABC data highlights which Lean Production related projects to target.

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.