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Lesion nematodes: identification of grapevine resistance


Lesion Nematodes, particularly Pratylenchus zeae, were shown to be widely distributed and to seriously damage grapevine growth. Resistance and tolerance of major rootstocks were quantified and compared with own-rooted grapevines, allowing growers to select appropriate rootstocks and achieve cost-effective control of these nematodes. Grapevines were resistant to and not adversely affected by cereal populations of P. neglectus and P. thornei; rootstocks were resistant to P. neglectus from a vineyard. A new nematicide, Rugby®, was highly effective against nematodes, and a new fungicide, Banrot®, stimulated grapevine growth when applied to vineyard soils. Strategies for sampling vineyards for these nematodes were developed.


Resistence and tolerance of various rootstocks determined and compared with own rooted vines. 2 new nematicides were tesed of which one was effective against nematodes.

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