Pokolbin Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication ‘Pokolbin’ was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 29 July 2010 in response to a direction from Wine Australia pursuant to section 40ZD of the WAC Act.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
The Geographical Indication Pokolbin is a subregion located within the region of Hunter which is located within the zone of Hunter Valley which is within the State of New South Wales, Australia.
The official maps used to support the textual description of the boundary of the Geographical Indication Pokolbin are:
Bulga topographic & orthophoto map
Scale 1:25,000
Sheet 9132-4S, Second Edition
© Land and Property Information NSW. 2001
Greta topographic & orthophoto map
Scale 1:25,000
Sheet 9132-1S, Second Edition
© Land and Property Information NSW. 2001
Cessnock topographic & orthophoto map
Scale 1:25,000
Sheet 9132-2N, Third Edition
© Land and Property Information NSW. 2001
Broken Back topographic & orthophoto map
Scale 1:25,000
Sheet 9132-3N, Third Edition
© Land and Property Information NSW. 2001
GI textual description:
The beginning point of the boundary is located on Bulga map (Sheet 9132-4S) at grid reference LJ357841 being the junction of an unnamed vehicular track and an unnamed four-wheel drive track; then proceeds in a south-easterly direction along the unnamed vehicular track to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ359840; on to Greta map (Sheet 9132-1S) at grid reference LJ359840; then proceeds in a south-easterly direction along the same unnamed vehicular track to its junction with Hermitage Road and Old North Road at grid reference LJ369829; then proceeds in a northerly direction along Hermitage Road to the northern boundary of the parish of Ovingham at grid reference LJ371837; then proceeds in a south of easterly direction in a straight line along the northern boundary of the parishes of Ovingham and then Rothbury to its junction with Hanwood Road at grid reference LJ438826; then proceeds in a south-easterly direction along Hanwood Road to its intersection with Main Road at grid reference LJ446819; then proceeds in a generally southerly direction along Main Road to Belmont Bridge on Black Creek at grid reference LJ431785; then proceeds in a generally south-easterly direction along Black Creek to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ451752; on to Cessnock map (Sheet 9132-2N) at grid reference LJ451752; then proceeds in a generally southerly direction along Black Creek to its junction with Bellbird Creek near Cessnock at grid reference LJ463672; then proceeds in a generally south-westerly direction along Bellbird Creek to Kendall Street in Bellbird at grid reference LJ426630; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along Kendall Street and then Bimbadeen Road to its junction with Mount View Road and Mount Bright Road at grid reference LJ393639; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along Mount Bright Road to its intersection with The Great North Walk walking track at grid reference LJ389659; then proceeds in a generally north-westerly direction along The Great North Walk to its junction with an unnamed vehicular track at grid reference LJ382664; then proceeds in a north-westerly direction along the unnamed vehicular track to its junction with Mount Bright Road and an unnamed road at grid reference LJ379668; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along the unnamed road to its junction with Pokolbin Mountains Road at grid reference LJ374669; then proceeds in a westerly then northerly direction along the unnamed road to its intersection with an unnamed vehicular track at grid reference LJ369672; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along the unnamed vehicular track to the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest at grid reference LJ369693; then proceeds in a east of northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to grid reference LJ372718; then proceeds in a generally westerly then northerly then easterly then northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to grid reference LJ368725; then proceeds in a generally westerly then northerly then westerly direction to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ361728; on to Broken Back map (Sheet 9132-3N) at grid reference LJ361728; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to grid reference LJ352727; then proceeds in a generally northerly then easterly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ361729; on to Cessnock map (Sheet 9132-2N) at grid reference LJ361729; then proceeds in a generally easterly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to grid reference LJ365729; then proceeds in a generally northerly then westerly direction to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ361730; on to Broken Back map (Sheet 9132-3N) at grid reference LJ361730; then proceeds in a generally westerly then northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ361733; on to Cessnock map (Sheet 9132-2N) at grid reference LJ361733; then proceeds in a generally northerly then easterly direction along the eastern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to grid reference LJ365733; then proceeds in a generally northerly then westerly direction to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ361737; on to Broken Back map (Sheet 9132-3N) at grid reference LJ361737; then proceeds in a north of westerly direction along the northern boundary of the Pokolbin State Forest to its junction with an unnamed vehicular track at grid reference LJ356738; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along the unnamed vehicular track to its intersection with Broke Road at grid reference LJ357749; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along Broke Road to the edge of the map at grid reference LJ351751; on to Bulga map (Sheet 9132-4S) at grid reference LJ351751; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along Broke Road to an unnamed four-wheel drive track at grid reference LJ344752; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along the unnamed four-wheel drive track to its junction with the unnamed vehicular track at grid reference LJ357841; which is the beginning point for the boundary.