McLaren Vale Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "McLaren Vale" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 2 September 1997 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
Noarlunga topographic map
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6627-4 & PT 6527-1
Third Edition
By authority of the Minister of Lands.
Aerial Photography, Svy SA 3099 & 3111, March 1984.
Photolithography: D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1987.
Yankalilla topographic map
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6527-2
Third Edition
By authority of the Minister of Lands.
Aerial Photography, Svy SA 3725, November 1987.
Photolithography: A.B. Caudell, Government Printer, 1990.
Willunga topographic map
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6627-3
Third Edition
By authority of the Minister of Lands.
Aerial Photography, Svy SA 4196, September 1990.
Photolithography: A. Secker, Government Printer, 1992.
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "McLaren Vale" is located within the zone "Fleurieu", within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is the coastline on Map Noarlunga (Sheet 6627-4 & PT 6527-1) at grid reference TG717164, thence proceeding in an easterly direction following grid line 164 to the foot bridge at Hallett Cove Railway Station grid reference TG724164 and thence continuing in a north easterly and then easterly direction along Perry Barr Road to its intersection with Aroona Road at grid reference TG743172 and then in a northerly and then north easterly direction along Aroona Road to its intersection with Lonsdale Road at grid reference TG751175, thence north along Lonsdale Road to the intersection with Majors Road at grid reference TG751179, thence proceeding east along Majors Road to its intersection with Main South Road at grid reference TG773182, thence proceeding south to the intersection with Blacks Road at grid reference TG773179 and thence proceed in a generally east and then south east direction along Blacks Road to the intersection with Oakridge Road at grid reference TG815177, thence proceed in a south easterly direction along Oakridge Road to its intersection with Main Road at TG835160, thence in a generally south westerly direction along Main Road to its intersection with Sugarloaf Road at grid reference TG827147 then south westerly along Sugarloaf Road to the intersection with Chandlers Hill Road and Grants Gully Road at grid reference TG823145, thence in a generally southerly then easterly direction along Grants Gully Road to the spillway at Clarendon weir at grid reference TG843118, thence following the centre line of the Onkarparinga River in a generally easterly then southerly direction to the foot bridge south of the Mount Bold Reservoir spillway at grid reference TG887106, thence in a direct line in a generally southerly direction to its intersection with Razorback and Boothill Roads at grid reference TG889095, thence in a generally southerly direction to the dam at grid reference TG889093, thence along the watercourse in a southerly direction to the intersection with Dashwood Gully Road at grid reference TG886067, thence east south east along Dashwood Gully Road for 500 metres to the intersection with Sharondon Park Road at grid reference TG891065, thence in a generally southerly direction along Sharondon Park Road to the northern boundary of Kuipto Forest at grid reference TG888054, thence following the vehicular track in a generally north west direction along the north west and northern boundary of Kuipto Forest and thence south along the western boundary of Kuitpo Forest to the intersection with Peter Creek Road at grid reference TG875049, thence proceeding south along Peter Creek Road until the intersection with Knotts Hill Road at grid reference TG881035, thence proceeds in a generally westerly direction along Knotts Hill Road to the intersection with Toops Road at grid reference TG864033, thence along Toops Road in a southerly direction to the intersection with Wickhams Hill Road at grid reference TG860021, thence continuing south along Wickhams Hill Road to the intersection with Range and Glenview Roads at grid reference TG862015, thence proceeding along Range Road in a south south westerly direction to intersect with Pennys Hill Road at grid reference TF835968, thence continuing south south west along Range Road to edge of map at grid reference TF833966; on to Map Willunga (Sheet 6627-3) at grid reference TF833966, thence continuing to proceed along Range Road in a south westerly direction to the intersection with Willunga Hill Road at grid reference TF798918, thence proceeding in a north westerly direction along Willunga Hill Road to the intersection with the 200 metre contour at grid reference TF785926, thence west south west along the 200 metre contour to the intersection with Bangor Road at grid reference TF777923, thence continuing along the 200 metre contour to the intersection with Delabole Road at grid reference TF761913, thence continuing in a south westerly direction along the 200 metre contour to intersect with Loud Hill Road at grid reference TF749903, thence continuing along the 200 metre contour in a south westerly direction to edge of map at grid reference TF727887; on to Map Yankalilla (Sheet 6527-2) at grid reference TF727887, thence continuing in a south westerly direction along the 200 metre contour to the intersection with Old Sellicks Hill Road at grid reference TF708868, thence proceeding along Old Sellicks Hill Road in a north westerly direction to the intersection with Main South Road at grid reference TF703874, thence proceeding along Main South Road in a south westerly direction to the Rail cutting at grid reference TF687851, thence proceeding along the Cadastral boundary in a north westerly direction to the coastline at grid reference TF675858 and proceeds thence in a generally northerly direction along the coastline to the beginning point at grid reference TG717164 thus completing the defined area.