Yarra Valley Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Yarra Valley" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 30 October 1996 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
County of Evelyn
Department of Crown Lands & Survey: 1968
Authority: By Authority A. C. Brooks Government Printer, Melbourne.
Re-print of best available issue.
Proclamation by His Excellency Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy proclaims inter alia the County of Evelyn: County of Evelyn recorded to contain about 1030 square miles in 1849. Bounded on the west by part of the eastern boundary of the County of Burke, namely, first by the river Plenty from its source to the river Yarra Yarra; thence by the river Yarra Yarra upwards to the confluence of the Deep Creek, thence by that creek upwards to the range between the Yarra Yarra and the Dandenong Creek; on the south-east and on the north by the range forming the basin of the river Yarra Yarra. Large old county map attached.
County Parish and Municipal Map for the South Eastern Sector of Victoria (1:500000) as issued by the Crown (State of Victoria) „1977
County Parish and Municipal Map for the South Western Sector of Victoria as issued by the Crown (State of Victoria) 1981
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "Yarra valley" is located within the Geographical Indication "Port Phillip" within the State of Victoria, Australia.
The beginning point is located at the northern most point on the old County of Evelyn Map, being the point at which the boundary of the County of Anglesey intersects with the boundary of the County of Evelyn and being the watershed of the Great Dividing Range. The boundary of the region then proceeds in an easterly direction through Kinglake West and Pheasant Creek and then in a general southerly direction along the watershed of the Great Dividing Range to the north of Kinglake and then in a general easterly direction through Toolangi to Mt. St. Leonard and then in a general southerly direction to Mt. Monda and then in a northerly direction along the watershed of the Great Dividing Range and then in a general south-easterly direction through Narbethong and Mt. Dom Dom to the Acheron Gap and Smith Hill and then turning in a northerly direction to Mt. Strickland then in a general easterly direction throughParadise Plains and then in a northerly direction to Mt. Grant and then an easterly direction (still along the watershed of the Great Dividing Range) to Mt. Arnold and then continuing in an easterly direction but turning southerly and continuing in a general south easterly direction to the south boundary of the County of Wonnangatta then in a general southerly direction along the watershed of the Great Dividing Range to the intersection of the southerly boundary of the County of Tanjil and then continuing in a more westerly direction along south eastern boundary of County of Evelyn to Mt. Horsfall and then continuing westerly along the northern boundaries of the Parishes of Noojee East and Noojee and then in a southerly direction following boundary of County of Evelyn crossing the road which leads to Noojee, then in a more westerly direction along the northern boundary of the Parish of Ellinging to Hyde Hill then in a more southerly direction to the south boundary of County of Evelyn, northern boundary of the Parish of Nayook West crossing the Powelltown Neerim Junction Road, thence in a south-westerly direction along the southern boundary of the County of Evelyn to the intersection of the boundaries between the Counties of Mornington and the Buln Buln thence in a westerly direction southern boundary of County of Evelyn to the south of Mt. Beenak then in a more southerly direction along the Blue Range to the intersection of the western boundary of the Parish of Tonimbuk and then in a south-westerly direction southern boundary of County of Evelyn to Mt. Burnett then continuing in a westerly direction and turning more north westerly southern boundary of County of Evelyn to the intersection of the western boundary of the Parish of Pakenham thence along that western boundary of the said Parish to the tee intersection of that Parish boundary with a western boundary of the Parish of Sherbrooke and thence in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of the Parish of Sherbrooke to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the County of Bourke, and thence along the eastern boundary of the County of Bourke, (being the Dandenong Creek at that point) and then in a northerly direction and continuing along that boundary to the point at which the boundary rejoins the southern boundary of the County of Evelyn, and thence in a more north westerly direction along the boundary of the County of Evelyn to where it joins the Yarra River and thence in a general south-westerly direction along the Yarra River to the confluence with the Plenty River and thence in a general northerly direction along the Plenty River through Greensborough, Morang South, Yan Yean, and Whittlesea back to the starting point.