Robe Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication “Robe” was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 15 August 2006 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
The area boundary used to support the textual description of the Geographical Indication "Robe" is represented on the following official maps:
Robe topographical map
(Cadastral Overlay)
Scale 1:50,000
Map sheet 6823-I & PT IV; Second Edition
Issued under the authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Aerial Photography, Survey S.A. 2200, 2207 & 2208, February 1978
Photolithography, D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1981
Kingston topographical map
(Cadastral Overlay)
Scale 1:50,000
Map sheet 6824-II; Second Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Aerial Photography, Survey S.A. 2638 & 2639, January 1981
Photolithography, D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1985
Konetta topographical map
(Cadastral Overlay)
Scale 1:50,000
Map sheet 6923-IV; Second Edition
Issued under the authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Aerial Photography, Survey S.A. 2641, 2642 & 2647, January 1981
Photolithography, D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1981
Hatherleigh topographical map
(Cadastral Overlay)
Scale 1:50,000
Map sheet 6923-3; Second Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Aerial Photography, Survey S.A. 3149, November 1984
Photolithography, D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Beachport topographical map
(Cadastral Overlay)
Scale 1:50,000
Map sheet 6823-2; Second Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication “Robe” is located within the zone “Limestone Coast” within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located on Map Robe (Sheet 6823-I & PT IV) at grid reference UD895956, being where Mount Benson Drain meets the Southern Ocean east of Boatswain Point in Guichen Bay, then proceeds northerly and then easterly along Mount Benson Drain to its source at grid reference UD938957, then proceeds north easterly in a straight line to Main South Eastern Road at grid reference UD939958, then proceeds generally southerly along Main South Eastern Road to its intersection with Shamrock Road at grid reference UD944924, then proceeds generally south easterly along Shamrock Road to its intersection with an unsealed road at grid reference UD984903, then proceeds north easterly along the unsealed road to its intersection with Long Island Road and a vehicular track at grid reference UD988912, then proceeds easterly and then northerly along the vehicular track to Long Island residence at grid reference VD004920, then proceeds generally northerly along the vehicular track to the gate at the intersection of the vehicular track and the unnamed and unsealed road at grid reference VD001927, then proceeds north easterly in a straight line to spot elevation 8 at grid reference VD023944, then proceeds northerly in a straight line to the vehicular track at grid reference VD023948, then proceeds northerly along the vehicular track to its intersection with Dairy Range Road at grid reference VD023979, then proceeds east north easterly along Dairy Range Road to its intersection with Ross Quarry Road at grid reference VD033981, then proceeds north westerly along Ross Quarry Road to its intersection with an unsealed road at grid reference VD023993, then proceeds northerly in a straight line to the intersection of a vehicular track and two unsealed roads at grid reference VE023008, then proceeds northerly along the vehicular track to the edge of the map at grid reference VE023045; On to Map Kingston (Sheet 6824–II) at grid reference VE023045, then proceeds northerly along the vehicular track to its intersection with an unsealed road at grid reference VE022055, then proceeds south easterly along the unnamed road to the edge of the map at grid reference VE042046; On to map Robe (Sheet 6823-I & PT IV) at grid reference VE042046, then proceeds south easterly along the vehicular track to its intersection with Baxter Hill Road near Woolmit Sanctuary at grid reference VE073023, then proceeds generally southerly along Baxter Hill Road to its intersection with the unnamed road at grid reference VE075008, then proceeds easterly along the road reserve to grid line 090 at grid reference VE09008, then proceeds southerly along grid line 090 to its intersection with Barnett Road at grid reference VD090955, then continue generally south easterly along Barnett Road to the edge of the map at grid reference VD112885; On to Map Konetta (Sheet 6923-IV) at grid reference VD112885, then proceeds south easterly and then south westerly along Lake Hawdon Road to the edge of the map at grid reference VD113818; On to
Map Robe (Sheet 6823-I & PT IV) at grid reference VD113818, then proceeds south westerly and then southerly along Lake Hawdon Road to its intersection with Bray Drain at grid reference VD105803, then proceeds north easterly along Bray Drain to its intersection with Biscuit Flat Drain at grid reference VD108803, then proceeds south easterly along Biscuit Flat Drain to the edge of the map at grid reference VD113802; On to Map Konetta (Sheet 6923-IV) at grid reference VD113802, then proceeds south easterly along Biscuit Flat Drain to the edge of the map at grid reference VD140769; On to Map Hatherleigh (Sheet 6923-3) at grid reference VD140769, then proceeds generally south easterly along Biscuit Flat Drain to its intersection with unnamed road at grid reference VD248649, then proceeds generally southerly along the unnamed road to its intersection with Elgin Lane at grid reference VD246636, then proceeds south easterly along Elgin Lane to its intersection with the Beachport to Penola road and an unnamed road at grid reference VD268609, then proceeds south easterly along the unnamed road to grid reference VD277600, then proceeds westerly along grid line 600 to its intersection with the Beachport to Penola road at grid reference VD257600, then proceeds south westerly along the Beachport to Penola road to its intersection with Alternate Highway 1 at grid reference VD153548, then proceeds northerly along Alternate Highway 1 to its intersection with Drain M at grid reference VD152551, then proceeds south westerly along Drain M to Lake George at grid reference VD145538, then proceeds generally southerly and then generally westerly along the eastern shoreline of Lake George to the eastern edge of the Lake George Outlet Drain at grid reference VD130519, then proceeds south easterly along the eastern side of the Lake George Outlet Drain to the coastline of Rivoli Bay at grid reference VD132517, then proceeds generally southerly along the coastline of Rivoli Bay to Cape Martin at grid reference VD125494, then proceeds north westerly along the coastline to the edge of the map at grid reference VD116504; On to Map Beachport (Sheet 6823-2) at grid reference VD116504, then proceeds generally north westerly along the coastline to the edge of the map at grid reference VD928767; On to Map Robe (Sheet 6823-I & PT IV) at grid reference VD928767, then proceeds generally northerly along the coastline passing Cape Dombey and Robe to its intersection with Mount Benson Drain at grid reference UD895956, being the descriptor starting point.