North East Victoria Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "North East Victoria" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 1 May 1996 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
(a) Victoria 1: 1,000,000 Transverse Mercator Projection
a single map showing: Municipal Boundaries, Shire Names, City, Town and Borough Names
Revision 1991
Compiled and produced by: Department of Crown Lands and Survey, Victoria.
(b) Dookie – 8025 1: 100,000 Transverse Mercator Projection
a single map showing: Transverse Mercator Projection
SHEET 8025
COPYRIGHT 1987Compiled and produced by: Royal Australian Survey Corps
Distributed by: Department of Resources and Energy, Canberra, ACT.
(c) Townnship of Yarrawonga Township Survey
a single map showing: Surveyed location of streets and allotments and titles
EDITION 1959 (showing amendments as gazetted)
Drawn and reproduced at the Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne, Victoria
Issued by: A.C. Brooks, Government Printer, Melbourne, Victoria
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "North East Victoria" is located within the State of Victoria, Australia.The begining point of the boundary is located at the intersection of a straight line extending the centre of Burley Road as shown on the Township of Yarrawonga map with the River Murray (forming the Victoria / New South Wales border) and proceeds generally south along Burley Road to its intersection with the Yarrawonga/Benalla Road as shown at the south-west corner of the Township of Yarrawonga, and also located at map reference DA095124 on the Dookie–8025 map, and proceeds thence in a generally south direction along the Yarrawonga/Benalla road passing through the township of Lake Rowan which is located at map reference DV071855 on the Dookie-8025 map and also identified on the Victoria 1:1,000,000 map and thence continues generally south along the Yarrawonga/Benalla Road to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Shire of Tungamah, and thence generally west along the southern boundary of the Shire of Tungamah to its intersection with western boundary of the Shire of Benalla, thence generally south along the western boundary and thence generally east along the southern boundary of the Shire of Benalla to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Shire of Oxley, and thence gnerally south-east along the southern boundary of the Shire of Oxley to its intersection with the boundary of the Shire of Bright and thence generally east along the southern boundary and generally north along the eastern boundary of the Shire of Bright to its intersection with south-west boundary of the Shire of Tallangatta thence generally east along the southern boundary of the Shire of Tallangatta to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Shire of Upper Murray and thence generally east and thence south-east along the boundary of the Shire of Upper Murray to the intersection with the Indi River (forming the Victoria / New South Wales Border) as thence formed by the Murray River to the beginning point.The area so enclosed includes all of the Shires of Beechworth, Benalla, Bright, Chiltern, Myrtleford, Oxley, Rutherglen, Tallangatta, Upper Murray, Wangaratta, Yackandandah, and those parts of the Shires of Tungamah and Yarrawonga lying to the east of the described boundary.The area so described also includes the City of Benalla, the City of Wangaratta and the Rural City of Wodonga.