Mount Gambier Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication ‘Mount Gambier’ was entered in the Register of Protected Geographical Indications and Other Terms on 21 December 2010 in response to a direction from Wine Australia pursuant to section 40ZD of the WAC Act.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
The Geographical Indication Mount Gambier is a region located within the zone of Limestone Coast which is within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The official maps used to support the textual description of the boundary of the Geographical Indication Mount Gambier are:
Penola topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7023-2
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1984
Nangwarry topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7022-1
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Gambier topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7022-2 and Part 7021- 1
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Schank topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7022-3 and Part 7021-4
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1984
Kalangadoo topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7022-4
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Millicent topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 6922-1
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Monbulla topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 7023-3
Second edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
Benara topographic map
Cadastral overprint
Scale 1: 50,000
Sheet 6922-2
Second Edition
Published by the authority of the Minister of Lands
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General
Production: The Department of Lands
Photolithography D.J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1986
GI textual description:
The beginning point of the boundary is located on the Penola Map (7023-2) at grid reference VD975533, being the intersection of the northern boundary of the Hundred of Nangwarry with the border between South Australia and Victoria; then proceeds in a southerly direction along the border between South Australia and Victoria to the edge of the map at grid reference VD976496; on to Nangwarry Map (7022-1) at grid reference VD976496, then proceeds in a southerly direction along the border between South Australia and Victoria to the edge of the map at grid reference VD974219; on to Gambier Map (7022-2 and Part 7021-1) at grid reference VD974219; then proceeds in a southerly direction along the border between South Australia and Victoria to the coast at grid reference VC969878; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along the coast to the edge of the map at grid reference VC780878; on to Schank Map (7022-3 and Part 7021- 4) at grid reference VC780878; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction then north westerly direction along the coastline to the edge of the map at grid reference VC560970; on to Benara Map (6922-2) at grid reference VC560970; then proceeds in a north westerly direction along the coastline to grid reference VD437090; then proceeds in a easterly direction across Lake Bonney to the intersection of two unnamed roads at grid reference VD492090; then proceeds in a northerly direction following an unnamed road to the intersection of two unnamed roads at grid reference VD487119; then proceeds in a northerly direction along an unnamed road to the intersection of two unnamed roads at grid reference VD483145; then proceeds in a north easterly direction along an unnamed road to its intersection with Poonda Road at grid reference VD498153; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along Poonda Road to its intersection with Hookings Road at grid reference VD493174; then proceeds in a generally easterly direction along Hookings Road to its intersection with an unnamed road to Tantanoola at grid reference VD537177; then proceeds in a northerly direction along this unnamed road to its intersection with Gowers Road at grid reference VD537211; then proceeds in an easterly direction along Gowers Road to the edge of the map at grid reference VD560211; onto Schank Map (7022-3 and Part 7021-4) at grid reference VD560211, then proceeds in a easterly direction along an unnamed road to the intersection with the Tantanoola Forest boundary at grid reference VD616212; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction to the edge of the map at grid reference VD617218; on to Kalangadoo Map (7022- 4) at grid reference VD617218; then proceeds in a westerly then northerly then easterly direction along the Tantanoola Forest boundary to the intersection of the Tantanoola Forest boundary with the Princes Highway at grid reference VD620232; then proceeds in a northerly then north easterly then easterly direction along the Tantanoola Forest boundary to a point where it intersects with an unnamed road between Kongorong and Glencoe at grid reference VD640242; then proceeds in a generally northerly direction along the unnamed road between Kongorong and Glencoe to grid reference VD647255; then proceeds along the Tantanoola Forest boundary in a generally north-westerly direction to its intersection with Ryans Road at grid reference VD628274; then proceeds along the Tantanoola Forest boundary in a westerly and then northerly direction to its intersection with Diagonal Road at grid reference VD624294; the proceeds in a north westerly direction along Diagonal Road to grid reference VD616301; then proceeds in a westerly and then northerly direction along the Tantanoola Forest boundary to the intersection between Copping Road and an unnamed road at grid reference VD595342; then proceeds along the Tantanoola Forest boundary in a generally north-westerly direction to the intersection with an unnamed road at grid reference VD566385; then proceeds along the Mount Burr Forest boundary in north easterly direction to its intersection with Brooksbys Road at grid reference VD617417; then proceeds in a north westerly direction along Brooksbys Road to its intersection with an unnamed road between Mount Burr and Kalangadoo at grid reference VD605446; then proceeds in a generally westerly direction along the unnamed road between Mount Burr and Kalangadoo to the edge of the map at grid reference VD558456; on to Millicent Map (6922-1) at grid reference VD558456; then proceeds in a north westerly direction along the unnamed road to its intersection with Old Penola Road at grid reference VD556457, then proceeds in a north-easterly direction along the Old Penola Road to the edge of the map at grid reference VD558458; on to Kalangadoo Map (7022-4), commencing at grid reference VD558458; then proceeds in a north easterly direction along Old Penola Road to the edge of the map at grid reference VD592495; on to Monbulla Map(7023-3) at grid reference VD592495, then proceeds in a generally north easterly direction along an unnamed road to Penola to its intersection with Manga Road at grid reference VD654533; then proceeds in a easterly direction along the Hundred Line to the edge of the map at grid reference VD779533; on to Penola Map (7023-2) at grid reference VD779533, then proceeds in an easterly direction along the Hundred Line to its intersection with the border between South Australia and Victoria at grid reference VD975533, which is the beginning point for the boundary.