Limestone Coast Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Limestone Coast" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 27 December 1996 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
South Australia 1: 1,000,000 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
a single map showing: Municipal and District Council Districts under The Local Government Act, also showing Boundaries of Counties, Districts and Hundreds
Copyright Crown Copyright Reserved
Revision 1st July, 1994
Complied and produced by:
Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
Base map compiled by the S.A. Department of Mines, Cartographic Division.
Compiled in the Land Services Group, under the direction of the Surveyor-General.
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "Limestone Coast" is located within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located at the intersection of the south east coastline of South Australia (as defined by the Southern Ocean) and the north west corner of the County of Cardwell, located on the Younghusband Peninsula to the south of Lake Albert, and proceeds thence in a generally east direction along the northern boundary of the County of Cardwell to its intersection with the northern boundary of the County of Buckingham, and thence in a generally east direction along the northern boundary of the County of Buckingham to its intersection with the South Australia / Victoria border adjacent to Mt Shaugh, and thence in a generally south direction along the South Australia / Victoria border to its intersection with the south east coastline of South Australia (as defined by the Southern Ocean) at a point adjacent to Mt Ruskin, and thence in a generally north west direction following the South Australia coastline (as defined by the Southern Ocean) to the beginning point.
The area so enclosed includes all of the District Council of Beachport, the District Council of Lacepede, the District Council of Lucindale, the District Council of Millicent, the District Council of Mount Gambier, the District Council of Naracoorte, the District Council of Penola, the District Council of Port MacDonnell, the District Council of Robe, and those areas of the District Council of Coonalpyn Downs, the District Council of Meningie, the District Council of Tatiara lying to the south of the described boundary, and all of the City of Mount Gambier and the Corporate Town of Naracoorte.