Hunter Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "Hunter" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 18 March 1997 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
Newcastle topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 9232: Edition 1
Published by Minister Resources & Energy
Distributed by Division of National Mapping 1983
Cessnock topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 9132: Edition 1-AAS
Produced by Royal Australian Survey Corps
Distributed by RASC 1982
Gosford topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 9131: Edition 1
Published by Minister of National Development
Distributed by Division of National Mapping 1975
Howes Valley topographic map 1:100,000 scale
Map sheet 9032: Edition 1
Published by RASC 1976
Mount Pomany topographic map 1:100,000 scale
Map sheet 8932: Edition 1
Produced by Division of National Mapping 1976
Mudgee topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 8832: Edition 1
Produced by RASC 1972
Merriwa topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 8933: Edition 1
Produced by RASC 1970
Gulgong topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 8833: Edition 1-AAS
Produced by RASC 1982
Coolah topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 8834: Edition 1
Produced by Division of National Mapping 1973
Blackville topographic map 1:100,000 scale
Map sheet 8934: Edition 1-AAS
Produced by RASC 1970
Murrurundi topographic map 1:100,000 scale
Map sheet 9034: Edition 2-AAS
Produced by RASC 1970
Ellerston topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 9134: Edition 1
Produced by Division of National Mapping 1976
Camberwell topographic map 1:100,000 scale
Map sheet 9133: Edition 1-AAS
Produced by RASC 1982
Dungog topographic map 1:100,000
Map sheet 9233: Edition 1-AAS
Produced by RASC 1982
GI textual description:
The Geographic Indication "Hunter" is located in the State of New South Wales, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is located at the overall boundary which is delineated by the Hunter Valley Catchment, excluding National parks, any land within the Mudgee Shire, the Newcastle metropolitan area, and nearby coastal lands. Hunter is bordered to the north, west and south-west by the Great Dividing Range. This discrete tract of land is marked out on the maps of section [3], but the boundary of Hunter can be summarised as follows:
The boundary begins at the Hexham bridge [grid ref 768674] on the Pacific Highway at Hexham over the Hunter River [map ref 9232] and then proceeds in a straight line south-west to Mt Sugarloaf [grid ref 633597] from whence it follows the ridgecrest of Sugarloaf Range to the south until it intersects with the road from Brunkerville to Morriset near The Gap [grid ref 578513] [map ref 9132], and then it proceeds south-west still following the ridgecrest [grid ref 557497] to Heaton Lookout, thence south-west along Watagan Forest Road to the junction [grid ref 379406] with Walkers Ridge Forest Road [map ref 9131] near Bar Lookout, it then proceeds west then south along Walkers Ridge Forest Road to the junction with George Downes Drive on the Hunter Range at The Letter "A" [grid ref 322318] from whence it continues north-west along George Downes Drive to Mt Simpson, thence west on the Forest Road to the fire tower [grid ref 181382] and then generally north, north-west along Yango Track [back onto the Cessnock map [9132]] to the junction with Big Yengo Track, [grid ref 145496] from where it continues west along the Big Yengo Track [onto the Howes Valley map [9032]] to grid ref 053535 then follow unnamed track west then north to the Hunter Range [grid ref 017585] ridgeline and follows the ridgeline till it crosses the Colo to Bulga road [grid ref 035682], it follows the ridgeline of the Hunter Range generally north-west until it joins a fire trail east of the upper end of Bungarraby Creek [grid ref 945722], then west following the fire trail from the Hunter Range ridgeline to Doyles Range ridgeline at Kings Cross [grid ref 940778] then west along Main Access Trail to Raspberry Junction [grid ref 834796] and thence south-west following the Main Access Trail along the ridgeline of the Hunter Range to the intersection with Three Ways [grid ref 713728], it then proceeds west, south-west along the Main Access Trail [onto the Mt Pomany map [8932]] to grid ref 524625 then follows side-track to Mt Coricudgy [grid ref 519646] following the ridgeline generally north-west (passing south of Jones Hole), then continue north then west then south along the ridgeline to Mt Midderula [grid ref 456653] and then south-west to Mt Kelgoola then around the upper catchment of Razorback Creek to the Molle [grid ref 429647] from whence it continues along the ridgeline to Mt Wilworril [grid ref 448666], then north along the ridgeline marking the northern boundary of Never Never Creek to Hill 1113 [grid ref 394715], then follows the watershed of the Great Dividing Range via Nullo Mountain [grid ref 413763] through Evermore [ref 391753] to Coxs Creek Trail and Growee trail [ref 318769], then on to Wheelbarrow Mt [grid ref 282760], thence north-west along the watershed of the Great Dividing Range crossing the Rylstone to Bylong road [grid ref 217845], it then continues north-west [onto the Mudgee map 8832] following the watershed of the Great Dividing Range to Rocky Retreat [grid ref 785897], then east along latitudinal grid line 897 to grid ref 200897 on map 8932, then north along grid line 200 to grid ref 200100 [map 8933], then east along grid line 100 to grid line 230, then north along grid line 230 to its intersection with the Goulburn River at grid ref 230164, it then follows the Goulburn River upstream [onto the Gulgong map 8833] and continuing upstream until it crosses the Ulan to Cassilis Road [grid ref 626319] and then it follows the road south past Ulan to its junction with the abandoned railway [grid ref 579242], then follows the railway west until it meets the Great Divide at grid ref 518242, thence north north-east in a straight line to grid ref 668518, on the Uarbry Road then continues north-east in a straight line to grid ref 722558 approximately 6km north-east of Uarbry, from whence it continues north-east to grid ref 836685 [map 8834] [onto the Blackville map [8934] at grid ref 165685, then continues north-east in a straight line to grid ref 280817, then following the Coolah to Merriwa Road to the Liverpool Range at Shepherds Peak [grid ref 344758], then in a straight line east to grid ref 633748 [onto Murrurundi map [9034]] at 633748 and then continues east along latitude grid line 748 to Thompsons Peak [at grid ref 845748], thence generally north-east following the ridge of the Liverpool Range and crossing the New England Highway at grid ref 911856, then continues in north-east direction along the ridge of the Liverpool Range to ref 103018 [onto the Ellerston map [9134]] at grid ref 103018 on the ridge of the Liverpool Range, then generally east south east in a straight line to the intersection with Morrisons Gap Road at grid ref 260998 near Ben Halls Gap, it then continues south-east in a straight line to where Mt Royal Range crosses Oaky Creek at Callemondah Road [grid ref 485868] and then south along this road to grid ref 540740, then south along grid line ref 540 to Tuglow Trail, then following Tuglow Trail to the track joining Tuglow Trail to Barrington Trail then along Barrington Trail to its junction with the boundary of Barrington Tops National Park at grid ref 534608, then follow western boundary of Barrington Tops National Park [onto map 9133], then its Southern boundary to grid ref 700478 [onto map 9233], following the boundary of Barrington Tops State forest east to the Pinnacle at grid ref 725473, then south along the western border of Chichester State Forest to its junction with the southern boundary of Chichester State Forest, then east along this southern boundary to where it meets the western boundary of the Trevor State Forest, then south along the western boundary of Trevor State Forest to its southern boundary [grid ref 884233], then east along grid line 233 to intersect with grid line 900, then south along grid line 900 to its intersection with the Pacific Highway at grid ref 900843 [map 9232], then following the Pacific Highway south-west to the starting point at Hexam bridge.
It is important to note that two viticultural areas occur within the Hunter, the Upper Hunter centred around Singleton, Denman and Muswellbrook and the Lower Hunter, nearer the coast and adjacent to Cessnock. However the boundary for the Hunter Region as described above includes both these areas.