High Eden Geographical Indication
The Australian Geographical Indication "High Eden" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 28 August 2001 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files
The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub.
Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.
ExploreSource maps for locating GI area boundaries:
The area boundary used to support the textual description of the geographical indication "High Eden" is presented on the following official maps:
Angaston topographical map
(Cadastral Overprint)
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6728-4
Third Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General.
Photolithography D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, 1987
Barossa topographical map
(Cadastral Overprint)
Scale 1:50,000
Sheet 6628-1
Third Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Lands.
Prepared under the direction of the Surveyor General.
Photolithography A. B. Caudell, Government Printer, 1990.
GI textual description:
The Geographical Indication "High Eden" is located within the region Eden Valley, within the zone Barossa, within the State of South Australia, Australia.
The beginning point of the boundary is situated on Map Angaston (Sheet 6728-4) at grid reference UG180710, located within the Kaiserstuhl Conservation Park, then proceeds east south easterly in a straight line to the intersection of Tanunda Creek with an unnamed road at grid reference UG188705, then proceeds east south easterly along the unnamed road to its intersection with Heggies Range Road at grid reference UG193704, then proceeds generally south south westerly along Heggies Range Road to its intersection with Flaxmans Valley Road at grid reference UG189693, then proceeds generally east south easterly along Flaxmans Valley Road to its intersection with Wynns and Seiboths Roads at grid reference UG205687, then proceeds south south westerly along Wynns Road to a bend in this road at grid reference UG198665, then proceeds east south easterly in a straight line to intersect with unnamed road at grid reference UG214659, then proceeds generally south south westerly in a straight line to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference UG211648, then proceeds east south easterly along the unnamed road to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference UG216646, then proceeds south south westerly along this other unnamed road in a straight line to its intersection with another unnamed road at grid reference UG201602, then proceeds generally westerly along this later unnamed road to its intersection with High Eden Road at grid reference UG191603, then proceeds generally north westerly along High Eden Road to its intersection with an unnamed road at grid reference UG188605, then proceeds generally west north westerly along this unnamed road to its intersection with Cowell Road at grid reference UG168613, then proceeds east north easterly along Cowell Road to grid reference UG173630, then proceeds west north westerly in a straight line to the edge of map at grid reference UG167633; On a Map Barossa (Sheet 6628-1) at grid reference UG167633, then proceeds in the same straight line to Corryton Park Road at grid reference UG152637, then proceeds westerly along Corryton Park Road to its intersection with Brownes Road at grid reference UG150637, then proceeds generally northerly along Brownes Road to its intersection with Parsons Road at grid reference UG150659, then proceeds northerly grid line 150 to its intersection with grid line 680 at grid reference UG150680, then proceeds north easterly in a straight line to the edge of map at grid reference UG165695; On to Map Angaston (Sheet 6728-4) at grid reference UG165695 and continue in the same straight line to grid reference UG180710, which is the descriptor starting point.