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Fleurieu Geographical Indication

The Australian Geographical Indication "Fleurieu" was entered in the Register of Protected Names on 27 December 1996 in response to a direction received by the Registrar from the Presiding Member of the Geographical Indications Committee acting under Section 40Z of the WAC Act 1980.

Map and digital boundary files

The Geographical Indications of Australia boundaries (Wine Zones, Regions and Subregions) can be viewed in our interactive GI dashboard and can also be downloaded for use in GIS/mapping applications from the Wine Australia Open Data Hub

Please note: the maps are translations of the textual descriptions into a spatial format. The textual description is the legal definition.


Source maps for locating GI area boundaries:

South Australia 1: 1,000,000 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection 
a single map showing: Municipal and District Council Districts under The Local Government Act, also showing Boundaries of Counties, Districts and Hundreds 
Copyright crown copyright reserved 
Revision 1st July, 1994 
Complied and produced by: Department of Environment and Natural Resources 
Base map compiled by the S.A. Department of Mines, Cartographic Division. 
Compiled in the Land Services Group, under the direction of the Surveyor- General.

South Australia 1: 75,000 
a single map showing: Portion of Metropolitan Adelaide and Environs showing Municipal and District Council Districts under The Local Government Act, also showing Boundaries of Hundreds 
Copyright crown copyright reserved 
Revision 1st June 1994 
Complied and produced by: 
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 
Compiled in the Land Services Group, under the direction of the Surveyor-General.

Adelaide 6628-3 & 1:50,000 Transverse Mercator Projection Pt 6528-2

Third edition, cadastral overprint 
Boundaries of Municipal and District Councils 
Boundaries of Hundreds, Sections and Allotments 
Copyright crown copyright reserved Department of Lands, 1992 
Revision third edition

Noarlunga 6627-4 & 1:50,000 Transverse Mercator Projection Pt 6527-1 Third Edition, Cadastral Overprint 
Boundaries of Municipal and District Councils 
Boundaries of Hundreds, Sections and Allotments 
Copyright Crown Copyright Reserved Department of Lands 
Revision third edition

Willunga 6627-3 1:50,000 Transverse Mercator Projection third edition, cadastral overprint 
Boundaries of Municipal and District Councils 
Boundaries of Hundreds, Sections and Allotments 
Copyright crown copyright reserved 
Department of Lands, 1992 
Revision third edition

Milang 6627-2 1:50,000 Transverse Mercator Projection third edition, cadastral overprint 
Boundaries of Municipal and District Councils 
Boundaries of Hundreds, Sections and Allotments 
Copyright crown copyright reserved 
Department of Lands, 1990 
Revision third edition

Echunga 6627-1 1:50,000 Transverse Mercator Projection third edition, cadastral overprint 
Boundaries of Municipal and District Councils 
Boundaries of Hundreds, Sections and Allotments 
Copyright crown copyright reserved 
Department of Lands, 1990 
Revision third edition

GI textual description:

The geographical indication "Fleurieu" is located within the geographical indication "Adelaide" located within the State of South Australia, Australia.The beginning point is located on map reference ADELAIDE 6628-3 and part 6528-2 at the point identified as Glenelg Jetty at grid reference TG726261 and proceeds thence in a straight line in a generally east direction to grid reference TG870280 and proceeds thence in a generally south direction along grid line TG870 to its intersection with Cherry Gardens road and thence map reference NOARLUNGA 6627-4 and part 6527 -1 in a generally west direction along Cherry Gardens road to grid reference TG837166, and proceeds thence in a generally south west direction to the intersection with Grants Gully road at grid reference TG823145, and proceeds thence along Grants Gully road in a generally south and thence east direction to the spillway at Clarendon Weir at map reference TG843118, and proceeds thence in a generally east direction along the centreline of the Onkaparinga River to the footbridge south of the Mount Bold Reservoir spillway at grid reference TG887106, and proceeds thence in a generally south direction to its intersection with Razor Back Road and Boothill Road at grid reference TG889095, and proceeds thence in a generally south to the dam at TG989093, thence south along the watercourse to Dashwood Gully road adjacent to Lot 956 at grid reference TG886067, and proceeds thence generally east along Dashwood Gully Road to its intersection with Sharandon Park road at grid reference TG891065, and proceeds thence in a generally south direction to its intersection with the north boundary of Kuitpo Forrest at grid reference TG888054 and proceeds thence following the vehicle track in a generally north west direction along the north west and northern boundaries of Kuitpo Forrest and thence south along the western boundary of Kuitpo Forrest to grid reference TG875049 and thence in a generally south direction along Peter Creek road to its intersection with Knotts Hill road at grid reference TG881035, and proceeds thence in a generally west direction along Knotts Hill road to its intersection with Range road at grid reference TG864033, and proceeds thence in a generally south direction along Range road to its intersection with Pennys Hill road at map reference TF835968, and proceeds thence in a generally south west direction along Range Road map reference WILLUNGA 6627-3 to its intersection with Willunga Hill road (Noarlunga-Victor Harbour road) at grid reference TF798918 and proceeds thence in a generally south and east direction along Willunga Hill road passing through Mount Compass to its junction with Nangkita Road and Enterprise Road at grid reference TF870866, and proceeds thence in a generally north east direction along Enterprise road passing through grid reference TF882890 thence on to Mt Magnificent road passing along the eastern boundary of Mount Magnificent Conservation Park to the five-ways intersection at grid reference TF923940, and proceeds thence in a generally south and thence north east direction along McHarg Creek road (map reference MILANG 6627-2) to its intersection with the Meadows to Ashbourne road at grid reference TF961953, and proceeds thence in a generally north direction along the Meadows to Ashbourne road (map reference ECHUNGA 6627-1) to its intersection with a point approximately 600 metres east of the Meadows Post Office where the road intersects with the Creek Cresent Road at grid reference TG967044, and proceeds thence in a generally north east direction along Creek Crescent road which contains grid reference TG990054 and thence in a generally north and thence east direction along Creek Crescent road to grid reference UG996058 at the intersection with the Macclesfield to Meadows road, and proceeds thence in a generally east thence north direction along Macclesfield road passing through Macclesfield to grid reference UG036082, and proceeds thence in a generally east direction along Bugle Range and Pursell to intersection of Pursell and Morning Star Roads at grid reference UG071084, and proceeds thence in a generally east direction along grid reference UG084 to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the Hundred of Monarto, and proceeds thence in a generally south direction along the eastern boundary of the Hundred of Monarto to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the Hundred of Strathalbyn, and thence in a generally south direction along the eastern boundary of the Hundred of Strathalbyn to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the District Council of Strathalbyn, and thence generally south along the eastern boundary of the District Council of Strathalbyn to its intersection with southern boundary of the District Council of Strathalbyn, and thence generally south west along the southern boundary of the District Council of Strathalbyn to its intersection with the south east boundary of the District Council of Port Elliott and Goolwa, and thence in a generally south west direction along the south east boundary of the District Council of Port Elliott and Goolwa to its intersection with the coastline of South Australia (as formed by the Southern Ocean adjacent to the Murray Mouth), and thence in a generally west direction along the South Australian coastline to Cape Jervis, and thence in a generally north direction following the coastline of South Australia as defined by the eastern shoreline of the Gulf St. Vincent to its intersection with map reference ADELAIDE 6628-3 and part 6528-2 at the point identified as Glenelg Jetty at grid reference TG726261 the beginning point.The Geographical Indication "FLEURIEU" also includes all of the area of Kangaroo Island (map reference SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1: 1, 000,000) which is located immediately adjacent to the described area and is also located within the State of South Australia, Australia.


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