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Market insights – Grape and wine production

Australia is the world's fifth-largest grape wine producing country, with a vineyard base of around 150,000 hectares and an average annual grape production of 1.75 million tonnes making approximately 1.2 billion litres of wine.

Photo: Randy Larcombe / Wine Australia

Reports listing

: Restricted to levy payers and wine exporters. Some reports are available for purchase - find out more

Vintage Survey dashboard

This dashboard provides grape crush figures by volume and value, detailed tables on crush by variety and region, as well as average weighbridge purchase value by variety and region including price dispersion. All data can be downloaded in Excel form, while the dashboard can also be downloaded to PDF.

The data comes from the National Vintage Survey, which is the annual winegrape crush and weighbridge price survey conducted by Wine Australia on behalf of the Australian wine sector.


Grape Price Indicators dashboard

This dashboard provides a current summary of the key drivers of inland winegrape prices in Australia, as well as an indication of the forecast direction for grape prices ahead of the next vintage.


Australian wine: Production, sales and inventory report

Latest update: 11 Dec 2024

The Australian Wine: Production Sales and Inventory Report presents the results of the annual Wine Production, Sales and Inventory Survey, conducted by Wine Australia. While the data accounts for a substantial share of the Australian wine production and sales, it is not representative of smaller wine business models and is likely to under-state the average sales value for the whole wine sector.

The report aims to provide an overview of the current supply and demand situation for Australian wine.

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National Vintage Report

Latest update: 09 Jul 2024

The national vintage report provides insights and trend analysis on the Australian wine vintage by providing an estimate of the total crush and calculated average prices paid for purchased grapes by region and variety.

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Wine direct-to-consumer survey report

Latest update: 07 Oct 2021

In Australia, the value of Direct-to-consumer sales is increasingly being recognised by wine businesses. The Cellar Door and Direct-to-consumer survey aims to collect data on DTC and produce a series of key benchmarks and statistics to assist wineries develop their wine tourism and DTC activities.

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Australian wine regions and varieties

Latest update: 14 May 2021

With over 200 years of viticulture and winemaking, Australia has a rich wine, vine and family history to explore. Australia offers distinguished sites, the wealth of some of the oldest vines on the planet and multi-generational families whose long-standing dedication provides inspiration, leadership and custodial care of Australia’s most precious vines and wines.

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National Vineyard Scan

Latest update: 29 Jan 2020

The National Vineyard Scan is part of a project funded by Wine Australia to geolocate all winegrape vineyards in Australia, using a computer algorithm to scan aerial imagery and detect vineyards without human intervention. The project has been undertaken by Consilium Technology on behalf of Wine Australia and will be repeated for three years from 2018-2020.

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Small Winemaker Production and Sales survey report

Latest update: 02 Nov 2017

This report outlines the results of the 2017 Small Winemaker Production and Domestic Sales Survey, conducted by Wine Australia. It is part of a series of surveys that together provide a summary of the current supply and demand dynamics of Australian wine.

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Further reading

Market bulletins
Short articles published fortnightly covering the latest trends and reports on markets, varieties and consumers.
Australian Wine Discovered
Free information, tools and resources to learn, communicate and educate about Australian wine
Interactive Insights
Wine Australia’s series of interactive dashboards with data on market conditions, exports, production and wine regions.
Ask an Analyst
Book a free online meeting or training session with one of the Market Insights team analysts

This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.

Levy payers/exporters
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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.