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One Grape & Wine Sector Plan

Resetting the path to Vision 2050
02 Aug 2024 Adelaide
02 Aug 2024
Details &

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is a collaborative, whole-of-sector effort, to reset the path to achieve the sector’s ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2050

While Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia have facilitated its development, the Plan is the result of extensive consultation from every part of the sector. Grapegrowers, winemakers, exporters, industry associations, researchers, business and suppliers have shared their views, insights and expectations on the challenges and opportunities for the sector.

Clear vision for the future, acknowledging the past

Since the development of Vision 2050, the sector has been pushed off course, facing challenges that have increased pressure and reduced profitability across the sector. These external forces have made it almost impossible for the sector to achieve the goals set in Vision 2050

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan articulates a vision for the sector’s future, building on accomplishments of the past and linking to Vision 2050, resetting the pathway with a clear action plan to recovery.

Focused guidance for all businesses and organisations

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan responds to the strong sentiment for stronger leadership from industry organisations. All individuals, businesses, and organisations within the sector have a vital role to play.

The Plan highlights specific actions that are being taken by Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia, and recommends actions to be taken for all individuals, businesses, and organisations today, addressing immediate and long-term challenges, to deliver tangible results.

Collaboration is key to industry resilience

The One Grape & Wine Sector Plan is a call to action for the entire industry. The only way to recalibrate the sector towards the goals of Vision 2050, is for individual and collective action now.

Every business and every organisation will need to act, often making hard decisions to ensure collectively we learn from the past, respond to the market and challenges of today, while charting the course for tomorrow. Success will only be guaranteed through collaboration and shared responsibility.

02 Aug 2024
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National Wine Centre, Hackney Rd & Botanic Rd Adelaide, SA 5000