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Australia and New Zealand Trade Tasting 2025

London and Edinburgh
30 Jan - 04 Feb 2025 London, Edinburgh
30 Jan - 04 Feb 2025
Details &
London, Edinburgh

Wine Australia and New Zealand Winegrowers will be teaming up to run their annual UK trade tastings together in London on 30 January and Edinburgh on 4 February.

New Zealand Winegrowers’ annual trade tasting has been running since 1982 and Wine Australia’s since 1986, and this will be the first time that the two national associations have come together to run the event.

The collaboration follows a successful Australia and New Zealand masterclass in Manchester in June 2024 and trade and consumer tastings in Copenhagen and Stockholm in October 2023.

Laura Jewell MW, Wine Australia Regional General Manager UK/EMEA, highlighted the camaraderie between the producers: 

“The Aussies and Kiwis are good mates, and we have lots of things in common. Fine wine, great food, stunning scenery, the cool Southern Ocean and a friendly laid-back attitude. The tasting will showcase Australia and New Zealand’s distinctive terroirs, vibrant winemaking communities and thrilling wines.”

Chris Stroud, New Zealand Winegrowers Market Manager – Europe, said he was very pleased to be teaming up with Wine Australia again:

“Our trade tastings were a week apart and in the same venue in 2024. Teaming up enables importers to showcase a wider portfolio at one event, and it helps buyers, retailers and sommeliers get the most out of a day away from their business. Guests travel from across the UK and Europe, so it’s cost-effective, time-efficient, and offers greater exploration of the southern hemisphere.”  

The Australia and New Zealand Trade Tasting is a platform for wineries and importers to meet distributors, buyers, multiple retailers and independent specialists, the on-trade and sommeliers, and work on leads and generate listings.

Registration opens soon for Australian and New Zealand wineries, and importers, distributors and agents in the UK. Full and half tables are available, and they can feature both Australian and New Zealand wines.


For more information about the event, please email Maria Mencattelli at Wine Australia on or Sarah Shepherd at New Zealand Winegrowers on

30 Jan 2025
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Lindley Hall, The Royal Horticultural Halls, Elverton Street, London, SW1P 2PB
04 Feb 2025
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The Balmoral Hotel, Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2EQ