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Wine industry environment strategy


The South Australian Wine and Brandy Industry Association Incorporated (SA Wine & Brandy) established an environment program in March 2000 with the financial and in-kind support of various government and industry stakeholders (including the GWRDC). The development of Sustaining Success: The Australian Wine Industry Environment Strategy was endorsed by the industry’s national peak bodies (WFA & WGCA) and was formally launched on 22 August 2002 at the National Wine Centre. Other activities in the environment program included assisting industry with environmental regulatory requirements, running a National Wine Industry Environment Conference & Exhibition, and the facilitation of a national greenhouse gas reduction program.


In December 1999, the South Australian Wine and Brandy Industry Association Incorporated (SA Wine & Brandy) signed an agreement with the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) to conduct a two-year environment program to improve environmental management through the development of a national environment strategy and the establishment of a greenhouse gas reduction program. The program commenced with the recruitment of Keith Jones in March 2000. The AGO was the major stakeholder in this program supported by financial and in-kind contributions from individual wine companies, industry organisations, and state and local government agencies. The Wine Australia was one of the financial contributors to the program.

The main purpose of the program was to provide strategic direction for the Australian wine industry in relation to the environment. An Environment Strategy Development Working Group and Reference Committee consisting of a broad range of industry representatives, was established to develop the strategy. Taking over two years to complete, Sustaining Success: The Australian Wine Industry Environment Strategy was endorsed by the industry’s national peak bodies (WFA & WGCA) and was formally launched on 22 August 2002 at the National Wine Centre.

Other activities as part of the environment program addressed the environmental issues associated with wine production and viticulture, which included process efficiencies and government regulation. Through this program, partnerships have been formed and several programs have been initiated. SA Wine & Brandy’s Environment Program has provided support to industry to assist with the compliance of government regulations such as National Packaging Covenant, National Pollutant Inventory and SA EPA requirements.

One of the main initiatives of SA Wine & Brandy’s Environment Program was the development of the 1st National Wine Industry Conference and Exhibition held in November 2000 at the Adelaide Showgrounds in South Australia. The conference provided a springboard for the development of Sustaining Success and showcased the environmental achievements of the wine industry. SA Wine & Brandy are Greenhouse Challenge members and have facilitated a national greenhouse program for the wine industry. This program has recruited 5 Greenhouse Challenge members and 20 Greenhouse Allies Partners. In partnership with Energy Efficiency Best Practice, (Commonwealth Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources) the “Wineries of the Future” program was also established.

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