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Sustainability of Langhorne Creek viticulture – Assessing and benchmarking Cabernet Sauvignon wine grape quality for improved performance and marketability


Sustainability of Langhorne Creek viticulture - Assessing and benchmarking Cabernet Sauvignon wine grape quality for improved performance and marketability.


The project was initiated for the purpose of assessment and benchmarking of Cabernet Sauvignon wine grape quality, the aim being for improved performance and marketability over a three year period, seasons 2005/2006 – 2007/2008. In the 2006/2007 growing season, Langhorne Creek experienced below average winter and growing season rainfall and consequent drought with yields 60% below expected. With drought conditions expected to persist it was decided to finalise the Project after only two years.

The related project report summarises the work carried out over the last two seasons (2005/2006 – 2006/2007) and provides details of the five trial sites, including management practices and measurements of grapevine characteristics over this time period. In both seasons, small batch vinification was undertaken from the vines assessed and preliminary sensory analysis undertaken from the finished wine.

All sites are capable of producing Cabernet Sauvignon ‘typical’ of the Langhorne Creek Region. Viticultural practices and climatic conditions are similar but there is significant variation in soil type which is the ultimate determinant of vine performance and fruit quality.

Seasonal variation was observed with vines exhibiting less vigour and fruitfulness in the 2006/2007 season. Dry conditions are the most likely cause of this observation, as management practices remained the same in both seasons at all sites with the exception of Site 5 where higher than normal irrigation volume was inadvertently applied in growing season 2006/2007, allowing more normal vine growth.

The continuing drought conditions and related water quality and access issues has prompted interest in continuing vineyard assessment with a focus on vine sustainability, soil structure and health, and recovery. Continuation of this work is dependent on further funding success.

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