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Regional environmental best practices for viticulture for the Pyrenees and Grampians Regions


Regional environmental best practices for viticulture for the Pyrenees and Grampians Regions


Grapegrowers in the Pyrenees and Grampians Regions in Western Victoria were exposed to Environmental Best Practices through a workshop arising from a project in the Yarra Valley where codes of practice were developed. They saw the benefits of implementing  “Environmental Best Practices for Viticulture” for their combined area, and were excited by the prospect of developing an Environmental Management System that was specific to their areas.

An application for RITA funding was approved to assist the growers from both regions go through an assessment process and identify opportunities to improve their environmental practices. The project was facilitated by Louise Wood from DPI’s Grapecheque program, with support from the regional association and local growers.

The growers identified the priority issues for their regions and workshops were constructed around those issues. The main issues were water management, salinity (both soil and water), vineyard floor management, bird management (both for pest control and biodiversity), and the development of simple data recording systems for the area.

At the end of the project growers were more aware of issues associated with environmental management, they had a relatively simple check-list system to monitor environmental performance, they were able to discuss issues with experts and with their colleagues, and were able to identify areas for further improvement and training.

Growers involved in the project were all very positive and enthusiastic regarding both their participation and their ongoing use of the manual. They indicated that the manual would be of great benefit not only to existing growers, but for new growers wishing to invest in the area. They also felt it was a pro-active step toward promotion of the regions and proving that they are environmentally aware.

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