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Reducing and measuring packaging waste via the National Packaging Covenant Action Plan Kit


Reducing and measuring packaging waste via the National Packaging Covenant Action Plan Kit


In response to legislation regarding wineries’ packaging waste the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia developed a National Packaging Covenant Action Plan Kit. To support the uptake of the information and strategies within the Kit, four regional seminars, funded through RITA, were held in regions which had expressed interest in the Kit.

The regional seminars where conducted by the environmental consultant who developed the Action Plan Kit. The duration of the regional seminars where 2.5 to 3 hours long and the format was interactive. Time was taken at the end of the seminars for discussion and questions.

The main benefit gained from the Action Plan regional seminars was the increased promotion and understanding of the environmental impact of packaging waste. In addition, the waste audit gave attendees the tools and ability to measure their packaging waste, and outline strategies to reduce the level of packaging waste.

The regional seminars gave winery operators a forum to discuss regional solutions for improved recycling and reuse of packaging waste as well as the tools to comply with the Covenant via the Action Plan Kit.

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.