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Poster Presentation at the Yeast Genetics Meeting, Stanford University, California. August 22-26, 2018. And visit to University of California, Davis


The Wine Australia Travel Bursary provided assistance for Tom Lang travel to the 2018 Yeast Genetics Meeting hosted by the Genetics Society of America at Stanford University in the USA. The meeting focussed on current research in yeast genetics, synthetic and molecular biology, and biotechnology. Tom presented a poster titled “Generation of proline accumulating wine yeasts using CRISPR/cas9”. This meeting provided Tom with knowledge on current research in yeast genetics, as well as provided plenty of opportunities to network and discuss research with other students and international researchers.

Following the meeting a day visit to the University of California, Davis was undergone. This visit was hosted by Professor David Block (Department of Viticulture and Enology) and included a tour of the viticulture and oenology department, as well as discussions on wine and yeast related research with Prof Block and Assistant Professor Ben Montpetit.


Tom Lang a PhD candidate from Professor Vladimir Jiranek’s group attended the Yeast Genetics Meeting at Stanford University. Tom presented a poster of his current research titled “Generation of proline accumulating wine yeasts using CRISPR/cas9”.

The meeting hosted over 300 researchers, featuring 309 submitted abstracts which were presented either as oral presentations or posters. Research at the meeting primarily discussed fundamental yeast genetics research, with sessions on topics titled libraries and beyond, new frontiers in cell biology, metabolism, chromosome structure, evolution and ecology, new technologies (yeast and industry), transcriptional mechanisms and regulation, next generation genetics, post-transcriptional control of gene expression and sensing and signalling upon challenges. Attendance of opening, closing and poster sessions provided Tom with opportunities to network and discuss research with other students and researchers. This allowed Tom to improve his knowledge on current research and techniques within the field of yeast genetics which may be useful in his current and future research, as well as pass on his knowledge of current wine yeast related research.

Following the meeting Tom visited the University of California, Davis. Tom met with Professor David Block and Assistant Professor Ben Montpetit to discuss current research at UC Davis, including work modelling wine yeast strains and work on identification of the origin of terroir. Discussion was also held on the possibility of future collaborations with UC Davis.

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