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Participation in the 7th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew


Dr Eileen Scott attended the 7th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 30 June - 4 July 2014, and co-presented one oral paper and two posters. New information on the biology, epidemiology and management of the diseases was gained from the 34 papers and 19 posters presented. The program and selected presentations are available at New information has been incorporated into current research projects and university lectures. An article has been prepared for publication. Existing networks between Australian and international researchers were strengthened and new links were established.


Improved management of powdery and downy mildew, two serious diseases that affect the Australian grape and wine industry, requires deeper understanding of the biology of the pathogens and the diseases. The International Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew Workshop, which is held every 3-4 years, is an important opportunity for Australian researchers to exchange information on these diseases and keep abreast of the latest research findings internationally. Most of the 75 delegates were from European countries. Six delegates were from Australia and two were from the USA, down from 10 and 7, respectively, at the 2010 workshop, whereas participation by Chinese researchers was strong. Three of the Australian delegates, Mrs Barbara Hall (SARDI), Dr Tijana Petrovic and Dr Eileen Scott (University of Adelaide) received travel support from AGWA to attend the workshop. Drs Bob Emmett (RW Emmett Pty Ltd) and Peter Magarey (Magarey Plant Pathology) were members of the workshop scientific committee. Sessions at the workshop covered epidemiology (including detection and forecasting), plant-pathogen interactions, disease resistance and grape breeding, and disease management and control (including fungicides and biological control). In total, two invited lectures, 32 offered papers and 19 posters were presented, the latter accompanied by short verbal presentations, and social activities provided opportunity for networking. Participants visited the Basque Government agricultural research and development institute, Neiker-Tecnalia, on the outskirts of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and vineyards and wineries in the Rioja Alavesa and Gipuzkoa regions to the South and North of Vitoria-Gasteiz, respectively. Rioja Alavesa illustrated a hot, dry, inland region and Gipuzkoa, a cool, wet, maritime (Atlantic coast) region. The workshop program and slides presented by the invited speakers and a few other presenters can be viewed online here along with a gallery of photographs taken during the workshop. A report on the workshop has been prepared for the Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker magazine. Information from the workshop has been shared with colleagues in the AGWA projects Objective measures for powdery mildew (UA1202), Understanding fungicide resistance in powdery and downy mildew (SAR1204) and Relative sustainability of organic, biodynamic and conventional viticulture (UA1102). New information also has been incorporated into Eileen Scott’s lectures on grapevine diseases presented to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students at the University of Adelaide. This visit was supported by funding from AGWA, the University of Adelaide and Dr Eileen Scott. Participation in the workshop strengthened links with international researchers and provided new opportunities for collaboration, particularly with European and Chinese researchers. Benefits to the Australian grape and wine industry include knowledge of new research findings, which will enhance education and training and, ultimately, disease management.

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