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Managing vineyard variability


The book “Precision Viticulture – a guide to adoption and use” by Tony Proffitt, Robert Bramley, David Lamb and Erika Winter and printed by Winetitles, discusses the various tools and technologies associated with Precision Viticulture (PV) and how someone interested in using them might make a start in adopting PV practices. It provides information about how spatial information should be acquired, delivered and used, thereby empowering a potential user with the questions that need to be asked of a service provider. The practical application of Precision Viticulture is a central theme to the book and a number of commercial case studies are presented. As there is no similar book or other reference material available to wine producing countries of the world, this publication allows the Australian wine industry to show-case their advanced technology on the world-stage.


Printed book (Winetitles )

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This content is restricted to wine exporters and levy-payers. Some reports are available for purchase to non-levy payers/exporters.